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-chapter 7-

-A week and a half ago-


My lips constructed into a frown of discuss as I watched Joshua's car pull out in reverse from the drive way while he waved a hand of good bye to me and I do anything in my power not to let a smile take place on my lips, all I really allowed that action to take place was my insides and nothing else.

I guess I am a hypocrite, and Jenny was right all along.

Hes really not that bad at all.

But then again my mind changes that thought once more, leaving the reflection of him dumping eggs on me. I really do not know why but every time we meet up it always ends up with him bumping into me in a very uncomfortable way. Which brings me back to why I hate him so darn much.

But secretly my insides were reflecting the opposite of my features.

Once his run down car drove off a low squeal left my lips as some how my body jolted up with my legs in equivalent skips of some kind of unknown feeling took place inside of me.

Small Esmeralda voices where arguing which each other on there opposite thoughts.

I pinched the bridge of my nose as a quivery sigh left my lips while I dug into the pocket of my jeans and pulled out the keys to push my way into the house.

And like usual that cinnamon/Apple scent enlightened my nostrils.

"Gran I'm home!!!" I informed with a small sigh and pranced down the hallway ready to place the eggs on the kitchen counter.

"Gramma I got you your eggs." I admitted once more this time letting my voice raise up into a loud tone.

I pushed off my sweater and made my way back down the hall where the sound of Americas next top model reruns were heard.

I smiled to myself but kind of did feel guilt roam threw out my stomach.

Wednesdays were usually the time that I most spent to watch some Tyra get her Judge on with my gran. I mean who doesn't love Tyra, she was my inspiration ever since my nana showed me a movie she worked in, where she was casted as a human Barbie doll.

"Gramma I'm sorry I was late I-"

I swallowed down the rest of my response as I saw her body laying dead in her slumber.

I slowly walked over to the remote control and switched off the tv. this was basically a normal thing she'd do, fall asleep on the couch as she held a cup of green tea in her fingers.

I quietly stroud my way towards her figure. gripping the tea cup out of her grasp and quickly tucking her in with the blanket I made her as a present for Christmas. Which to her words she said was her favorite of all four she owned.I reached down, and placed a small kiss on her forehead.  I don't know what I would do with out her in the first place.

Which makes me remember, she hadn't drink her pill.

I sure didn't want to wake her up but it was obligated for her to take the daily pill.

I shock her shoulders lightly.

"Gramma, wake up you gotta drink your pill." I whispered and shock her arms a bit more firmly when I didn't see her eyes open.

"Gramma, wake up please, this is important."

My hands keep there firm motion for a couple of minutes and when I got nothing in return a sudden lump drove to over take my throat.

"Gran, wake up." I called out in a more alert tone.

"Wake up!" This time my stomach tightened and the lump consumed me in painful punchers of worry.

Why wasn't she waking up?!?

This time I shock her shoulders violently and the same response came. Nothing.

It was becoming even more frustrating, but when the assumption of her body shutting down and being no more hit my possible realizations, my eyes soon plunge with tears.

Grandma wake up NOW!!" I hollered and shoved her shoulders more firmly than ever.

She can't be dead.

She just can't.

I gave all out. My knees weakened and I let my body fall lifelessly down into her arms as sobs and screams echo threw out my throat and fill in the silence of the house.

This can't be happening.

She just can't.

My gramma can't be dead

Author's Note:

Well hello there guys this is the update #1 of the week and here you go my eager readers. so here's the big bomb. and the reason to why Joshua's confusion in the last chapter. I know and I'm sorry Ella's grandma has perished. and just don't hate on me for it , it just had to go like this. well tell me what yall think in the comment section, -RIP grandma Jan-.
Well till the next chappy  numero ocho.

Hershey kisses
Spongy hugs

Your girl,


Ps: all words and updates will always come from the heart <3

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