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-C h a p t e r F o u r t e e n-


We sat silently on the oak wooden bench as the only sound which progressed to take over our silence was the ice cream cones we were munching away at and the birds which sang back and forth to each other rhythmically.

I sighed quietly to myself. I didn't know what I was going to say to him, I mean I developed feeling for someone which I hated in the first place not so long ago and I'm just confused now. I don't know what to do I'm just frighten of rejection, which I have been my entire life.

But I had to go with that small voice which I neglected for the most part at the back of my brain and take its advice for once.


He hummed as a response.

I nervously interlaced my fingers with his free hand and quickly felt him tense.

"I have something to tell you."I muttered shyly and his eyes were focused on me the entire time but my face couldn't be straight and serious because of the chocolate ice cream staining his top lip making him look like he had whiskers.

I chuckled.

"What?" He asked in oblivion.

"You got a little..." I started my response but never finished it as I just took the task for myself. I took a clean napkin and held his shoulder with one hand and the one with the napkin softly pressed it against his stained skin.

I whipped it off of him and once I went to pull away I couldn't because his arms were provoking me from doing so. Shocks of electrifying slithers roamed my veins and all I saw at the moment we're his prohibited hazel caramel eyes which locked me in a trance the whole time.

"Esmeralda?" He said lightly locking a strand of my ringlet hair within his fingertips.

I swallowed hard at how dry my throat became and stared deeply at his eyes which had more than enough to say.

"Yes." I responded.

We were mere inches apart. My breaths got steep and my stomach roamed with odd trails of something I have never encountered before. I didn't know what to do I was in a gelid state because his eyes were the only thing I wanted to encounter at that very moment.

Was he going to kiss me?

Why would he?

I mean I said too many bad things to him in the past and judged him, why would he want to kiss me?

But his actions were showing me otherwise, his soft warm palm trailed to the back of my neck and ran circles. I felt like dragons were twisting my insides and I just couldn't move, he just got closer and his sent enlightened my cravings even more. I did want to feel his plump lips with my own but I had never kissed anyone.

What if I burp, hiccup,or even mess up everything?

Was I ready?

I had a small debate with my brain but all I got out of it was him pulling away, as well as his warmth and sent. As a ringing noise interrupted us. My stomach was soon shoot with some emotion i just couldn't explain.

Was it loneliness? I guess so.

His free hand went to tough his phone out of his pocket and once he answered the call with a simple 'hello', I saw the one facial expression I have never even in my seven teen years of living on Joshua Millers face. The boy who laughed and smiled at the simplest thing in life even for the heck of it held a frown on his lips. The boy who carried joy was no longer joyful, the boy who always found the brightest things in life wasn't bright just lacking it.He held sadness and lack of enthusiasm in his hazel eyes, he was dull. And all that rushed my brain was that something wasn't right, something wasn't right at all.

Author's Note:

Hey guys its Aster I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and felt the cliffhanger. What do you guys think happened to poor Joshua Miller? I don't know you guys tell me in the comment section down below also I have some very important news to inform you guys.....this is hard I know but.....i'm super duper close to finishing "HRE" I know I know its short but thats the point its a short story and It just feels right to do. Speaking of story I hope there were technical difficulties or a joke of some sort because when I entered my account my story was under number 3 of short story I swear I hope this is a joke. But if this is real.....i'm going to die.....this is so amazingggg!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you guys so much for the support on this story and for those who have been there from the very beginning i really really appreciate everything. This is also the first story I complete on this account and im so proud of almost finishing it with you guys. I hope you guys keep reading till the end. I love you guyyyyyy!!!! I hope you have a wonderful day/night filled with sweet mellow blessing.

Love- Aster

Till the next chapter my yummy bears! <33333333333333333

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