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|| Esmeralda ||

I didn't know if I was doing the right thing at the moment or not because the fact that my brain and conscience weren't helping me at all was twisting and hurting my insides. After all that happened he didn't tell me who he was when I wanted to find out the most. And when my grandmother passed away, was the time I didn't want to even speak to any one was when his identity was finally revealed.

Why them?

Just why him?

The acid tears where already trailing down my quivering cheeks as a familer lump took its place on my throat as I took uncertain steps closer to Joshua's home.

I was scared.

I was mad.

And most of all I was shocked.

I didn't know what to do so avoiding my mind and allowing my stubborn mouth speak for myself was the worst thing that I let happen.

I knew I couldn't just blame him because he was the one who had me a reason to smile at least once a day which I was grateful for and had the change of heart to go and see him. Which I was soon regretting while taking the steps up his drive way and my gaze landing on his standing body which was back facing me.

The beats of my heart took a fast tole.

I just had to do this, I loved him to much to loss him like I did my grandmother.

I now stood behind him as I regressed on wiping away the tears that feel from the edge of my eyes.

"Joshua."I stuttered hopping, I still had a chance.

His shoulders tensed at my voice.

He turned on his heels, his face present to my vision which was filled with some type of worry or regret, having me confused. "Ella" He sighed.

Seeing his bright blue eyes had me weak at the knees and desperate as well, the gulp in my throat tightening its grip even more. When suddenly I couldn't hold up myself anymore and fell into his arms, and wrapped my quivering hands around his waist, weeping and hiccuping in sorrow.

"I'm so sorry,I'm so sorry."I cried.

"I'm just so sorry Josh, it's not your fault she perished."



My body  slacken feeling her soft arms around me. I felt at home. I felt relieved.

My hands abruptly raced down her back, soothing my fingers down it as her body quivered in sadness. I knew now that her finding out it was me giving her the gifts was kind stressful on her while it being close to the period of time that her grandmother died.

"i'm so sorry, I didn't mean to tell you all those nasty things."She hiccupped while pulling away from me slightly to glance up at my features.

I cupped her moist cheeks with my palms as my finger took care of her tears. "No it's fine don't worry, everything will be okay."

She fell back into my embrace this time curling up into my chest like a shrimp. "Please don't hate me."She stuttered will detaching her eyes from mine in guilt which just caused my soul to demolish, she didn't do anything wrong it's perfectly okay to be like this, even more after a family member passes.

"I would never hate you, I could never hate you Esmeralda."I acknowledged strongly, letting her know it as clearly as possible with my firm grip on her tense shoulders.

She seemed kind of weary. "I'm sorry, she was just the only family I had left that didn't abandon me to go on a fake "business trip". I felt all along, like I was in a steep tunnel of loneliness with no way of getting out, I thought that blaming something or someone would Wash my pain but it didn't, which was even worse because it pushed the person who I had last away."She muttered in a hiccup as she glanced up at my eyes and used her hand to press my palm against her rose cheeks.

You could see the regret in her strained yet beautiful eyes.I took her back into my embrace and kissed the small of her forehead.

Whatever it took, at whichever moment weather negative or positive I was going to try my very best to see that smile on her lovely face once again.

I wiped the tears from her eyes and lightly smiled at her warmly." Now that we have everything under control why don't we go get ice-cream."


Authors Note:

Yellerrrr guys what's up? It's Aster once again.  I know it has been ages since I updated but here is finally a new chapter after months and months of working, taking drivers Ed, and helping out my family. I finally had the choice to write this a little at a time to give you guys at least this special treat. I'm sorry I haven't notified you guys about why I haven't updated and why I took done as well define sociopath, well there is the answer so hope you guys forgive me and keep reading my story there's a couple more chapters before the story ends I have to sadly say but at the same time it's exciting because this will be the first story so ever finish and I accomplished it all with you guys. Well I hope you guys keep voting and commenting because that's what makes me get more motivated to update. Well guys until the next update that won't be in ages but the week or the next.

I love you my yummy bears!!!!


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