Secrets Series: Lies

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First part to the sequel of Secrets! HAHA! I know you guys must be thinking "FINALLY!". Well, I'm kind of thinking the same thing, it's just that I had to finish this other story and that was kind of taking forever. Now that it's done, I have time to for this one.

Now just a fair warning, you might not like some of the events that happen in this story but you have to remember that drama adds good conflict and stuff like that. Also, whatever happens in here may or may not matter to the third book that's going to come out after this one.

That's all I have to say for now except I hope that you enjoy this. ENJOY!

<3 Nikky~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


I stood in front of my mirror, staring at my exposed stomach. I swear it grew bigger and bigger each minute. I pulled my shirt back down and began pacing around my room again. Just an hour ago, I had finished talking to the police about my meeting with Trisha. They also questioned my friends, Miranda and Tyler, and my boyfriend Jesse. We all said the same thing. That we did meet Trisha out at the pier because she wanted us to help her look around for some clues that the police might have missed in the crime scene investigation for Jeffery and we split up to look. When the four of us came back together, she was gone. A little lie wouldn't hurt, would it? I folded my arms across my chest and took a deep breath. I couldn't believe what had happened in the past couple days. I was questioned by the police, attacked by Trisha, and I had a miscarriage scare. Thank god that didn't happen, though. There was a knock on my door and I reluctantly told whoever it was to come in. I should have kept my mouth shut and pretended I was sleeping.

"Lisa," Mom said with her concerned voice that I knew she was forcing right now.

"What?" I groaned irritably. She poked her head in and looked at me with a scared look on her face.


"Mom if you're not going to say anything, why are you here?"

"I wanted to talk to you about the- er...." she trailed off, unsure of what to call it.

"The interrogation?" I filled in the blank for her. She nodded slowly and stepped in, keeping the door open.

"It's just know....a mother can tell when...." she kept trying to think of what to say. "A mother can tell when her child is lying. And I just-"

"You just want to ask me if I was lying? Or no, you want to ask me WHY I was lying, right?"

"I never said that I thought you were lying."

"But you implied it."

"I did-"

"Yes you did, Mom. Whether you know it or not, you did."

"Alright let's say for arguments sake that I did! What would you have to lie about?"

"I would tell you, but then I'd have to kill you," I said without looking at her. I could just see her face paling at my words.

"How dare you," she said. "I am your mother. How dare you speak to me like that. I am your mother."

"I was your daughter," I said emotionlessly as I turned to face her. "You said something not too different to me regardless of the fact that I was your daughter. NOW what do you have to say?" I asked her. Without a word, she stepped out of my room and slammed the door. I wasn't trying to be snobby or anything- okay maybe a little bit- but she DID say something similar to me when I caught her with my English teacher. Now, I was like the vault for her dirty little secret. I wasn't supposed to tell anyone what I knew, but I told my friends and it was getting harder and harder every day not to tell my dad. I started pacing around my room some more to get rid of the image of a dead Trisha out of my head. She couldn't be dead. I knew that she wasn't. Maybe she hit her head harder than we thought and she got amnesia or something. That was possible, wasn't it? Maybe she got on a bus to a different town or she got a ride from someone who took her to a hospital far away. I looked over at the time. It was five thirty, she had to be all over the news by now. I would think that if she WAS all over the news, then she would have been turned in by someone by now. Not unless she's wandering around on her own, I thought. Yeah, that's it. She's wandering around on her own! That had to be it. The cops would have found her if she was still by the pier, passed out or dead. But she had to be awake if they didn't find her. Unless...... I panicked and called Jesse.

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