Lies 9

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"What's up Dad?"

"Can I talk to you for a second?"

"Sure," I said. He opened my door and closed it quietly behind him. I wondered why he was here so late at night. It was nearly midnight and he was normally out by now. However, right now he looked like something was bothering him so much it was keeping him from sleeping. He sighed and sat down on the floor in front of the door. I got up quickly and crouched in front of him, concern etched on my face.

"Dad, what's wrong?" I asked as he buried his face in his hands. I could have sworn that I just heard him sniffle, but he doesn't cry. He never cries. The man could get into a car accident and he wouldn't cry. He never does unless something's REALLY hurting him.

"I really don't want to bring you into this, but I don't want to talk to anyone else," he whispered. I sat down across from him.

"Tell me what's wrong," I said gently. I think I already knew.

"I think your mother is having an affair," he admitted. I sighed. I knew he would figure it out sooner or later. I still couldn't tell him because even though he just said that he didn't want to bring me into this, he would accidentally let it slip to my mom and she would keep to her promise. I know she would. As much as I didn't want to do it, I didn't feel like having a baby in boarding school. Or dying. So I sucked it up, mustered up some strength, and spoke.

"Dad, that's ridiculous," I lied. "Mom loves you. She would....she would never cheat on you. Ever."

"You really think that?" he asked hopefully. The happy look on his face killed me inside, but I had to do it. Taking a big mental breath, I nodded my head with a forced smile.

"Yeah, I do," I lied. "Besides, who would she cheat on you with? Every other man would be a step down."

"Thanks a lot, sweetheart," he said. "You really made me feel better."

"No problem, Dad," I said forcing back the tears that wanted so badly to spill at this moment. I just lied so badly to him and I had a horrible feeling at the pit of my stomach now. And it wasn't because I was pregnant. Oh god and I was keeping that from him too! I just want my old life back. The one where my mom wasn't cheating on Dad, I wasn't pregnant, and where my friends and I didn't do that thing we swore to never talk about but end up talking about every day because we know that someone else knows! Why can't life be simple ever?

"Can I ask you a very serious question now?" he asked me. I nodded.


"Are you pregnant?" he blurted. My jaw dropped. Was he a mind reader? No, there's no such thing. This isn't freaking Twilight.

"Wh-why would you ask me that?" I asked. I could feel my face reddening.

"It's've been sick a lot in the mornings and you....well....there's no easy way to get this out, so I'm just going to say it. Your boobies have gotten larger."


"I'm sorry, I had to say it. And you have a boyfriend."

"Yeah that I just started going out with a few weeks ago."

"Okay, okay. I know you're not that kind of girl, I was just curious. You have a lot of the pregnancy symptoms." How would he- oh right, Mom was pregnant with me. Right. Very smart, Lisa. I pushed my hair back and pressed my lips together.

"I'm not," I lied. "Trust me. I'm not."

"Okay kiddo," he said. He stood up and helped me up too. "You okay?"

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