Lies 2

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It's been a while people, I know, and I'm sorry about that. My grades are kind of slipping and I had to focus on them for a while. Last night, I uploaded on a different story of mine and Friday night I was REAL tired that I went to bed early. The good news is that I have a three day weekened here, due to Memorial Day, so I have tonight and Monday to upload on my stories. Yay.

Sorry, that was fake enthusiasm. YAY!!!! There we go, that was real.

Anyway, here's the second part to the second story of the Secrets books. Lol, second part to the second story. LOL! Sorry, I'm really hyper right now. ENJOY!

<3 Nikky~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


"I think she's alive," I said. "I think she's just trying to make us look guilty for something we didn't do. She knows what we did."

"Stop it, Tyler," Miranda said over the phone. "She doesn't know. She didn't know, she couldn't have. We hid it so well, how would she have found out?"

"There are ways. I hate to admit it, Miranda, but Trisha was smart. Almost as smart as you."

"Goddamn," she muttered. "Who knows who she told if she really did find out, then."

"I'm sure she didn't tell anyone."

"What if she did?" she asked. "What if she did find out and she told someone before she met up with us because she wanted someone to know what we did in case we decided to kill her too?"

"Okay, she's not that smart," I said bluntly. "She wouldn't have thought that far into the situation."

"For all we know, she could have."

"She didn't."

"You don't know that."

"I do."

"You do- you know what? We shouldn't even be talking about this over the phone. The cops could be listening to us right now."

"Okay, you need to stop being so paranoid. I'm pretty sure they can't do that."

"But they can."

"Not without reason and they don't have any reason."

"Not yet."

"They're never going to have reason."

"You know the past comes back to bite you in the ass. Our past skipped the coming back part. It just stayed. It just stayed the whole damn time to bite us in the ass."

"We'll get through this," I assured her. "Trust me, we'll get through this."

"Yeah, I believe you," she said. Something in her voice told me that she didn't, though.


The next morning, I jogged down the stairs to and entered the living room. Right away, I clicked the power button on the remote control and switched to the news to see if there were any updates on Trisha's disappereance. Nothing. There was only a reporter explaining where and when she was last seen. Trisha's school picture was at the top corner of the screen to show the public who to look for, not that they had to have it up there. It's a small town, everyone knew who Trisha Scott was.

"What are you doing?" Mom asked from the stairs. I jumped and dropped the remote. I quickly picked it up again before answering her.

"Just checking the news," I replied. "Seeing if there's any updates on Trisha."


"Nothing but when she was last seen. And where."

"That's not helping anything," she sighed, plopping down on the couch.

Lies [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now