Lies 12

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"How would you describe that?" Lisa asked me. I looked down at the box and shrugged.

"Really gruesome," I answered.

"At least it's not real," she sighed.

"But still, to send this to someone is MESSED UP-"

"I am very well aware that it's messed up, but it's still not real!"

"This is a sign, though. Forget if it's real or not, it's a sign that they know!"

"Miranda, calm down. We're going to have a little chat with them later-"

"We tried that! It didn't work! We tried talking to them and what happens? THIS happens!" I exclaimed pointing inside the box that was sent to me with the fake severed head in it.

"We don't even know for sure who it's from," Lisa said to me.

"Kayla said that Brian asked if I got it yet."

"But Kayla could have been using Brian as a cover."

"Why would Kayla do that if she knows that we're going to talk to Brian about it."

"Because she thinks that this is going to scare us, which it's not, and therefore we wouldn't talk to Brian because we would think that he knows."

"This might not scare you, but it's sure as hell scaring me."

"Whatever," she shook her head. "It's not real. That's that." Someone starting knocking on the door then. I stood up to go answer it, with Lisa right behind me. On my front porch was a worried looking Tyler along with a unreadable Jesse.

"Hey you two," I greeted.

"What's the big emergency?" Jesse asked.

"Come see for yourself," Lisa said. I moved out of the way so they could come in and closed the door after they were. They both followed Lisa slowly into the dining room where the box was set on the table. Tyler looked in and stared at the thing while Jesse looked at it for a total of two seconds before asking who sent it.

"It was-"

"We don't know for sure," Lisa interrupted me.

"Uh, yeah we do," I said. "It was Brian."

"Yeah, I think so too. Kayla said that Brian told her to ask me if Miranda got the package yet."

"But she could be using him as a cover up," Jesse argued.

"That's what I said," Lisa told him. "Either way, someone's trying to scare us and we can't let it work. We can't give them what they want."

"What DOES this person want anyway?" Tyler asked mostly himself.

"If it IS Brian, or even Kayla for that matter, then this is personal," I said.

"Why though? We didn't do anything to them."

"No one said that they had to have a good reason for trying to scare us."

"But it would make more sense for them to," he argued.

"I really don't think they care," Jesse cut in. "We just need to find out who knows something and how much they know."

"And how exactly are we going to do that?" Lisa asked reluctantly. Jesse sighed and looked over his shoulder at her.

"I don't know," he admitted. His cell phone began to rang then making him go by the door to answer it while Lisa watched his back. He talked quietly into his phone, sounding very unhappy about something. When he was done, he snapped it shut and came back over by us.

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