Lies 13

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Eh...I got lazy so this chapter might not be as good or as long as they normally are. SO! School's starting up again soon, too soon for my liking actually, and I won't have that much time to upload considering I'm taking like two honors classes this year, like the idiot I am, and yeah. I might just change that, I don't know yet.

And um.....yeah. Here you go.

<3 Nikky~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


"Tyler, can you help me out here," Mom begged me as she struggled to get up the stairs. One hand was on her back while the other was flat on the fifth step, supporting her weight as she leaned on it.

"Mom, I don't understand why you don't just leave," I said after I came over and put my arm around her waist.

"Not right there," she hissed in pain. I quickly moved my arm higher than it was and she relaxed. "You're right, you don't understand. Honey, I love your father very much. If I just listen to him then he would-"

"Mom listen to me right now, this is NOT your fault," I said fiercely.

"Tyler, maybe when you get married or find a special girl you love-"

"I HAVE found a special girl I love, Mom! And I would NEVER treat her the way he treats you because that's not what you do to someone you love," I said. I thought about the words as they came out of my mouth. My father cheated on my mother, beat her, insulted her in so many ways, and lied to her all the time. He lied to her. Miranda lied to me. No, I thought. Miranda and I are something very different from my parents. We weren't like that at all. We....we were honest with each other.

"You don't know what love is," she shook her head. I let her go after we made it up the stairs and went back down to come face to face with the man I unfortunately had to call my father. Maybe I can disown him.

"I see you've gone back to smacking her around," I said to him.

"I see you've gone back to being a brat," he retorted.

"I mean it this time," I said getting in his face. "If you touch her again, I'll make you regret it."

"You would threaten your own father?"

"You stopped being my father the minute you started treating us this way," I snapped. "You're not my father anymore. You're nothing to me. You could die and I wouldn't care one bit."

"Like you mean that-"

"You KNOW I mean that," I cut in. "Leave. Her. Alone." I walked away, leaving him stunned behind me. I had never talked to my dad that way. I had never once told him that I wouldn't care if he were dead and I think I just surprised him by telling him that I wouldn't. I yanked the front door open and stepped out onto the porch. It was times like this where I used to call Brian and ask him if we could hang out. After our fall out, I began to call Miranda and she would make me forget all about this crap. Right now though.....I didn't know where things were going between us. I loved her, no doubt, but I knew she was afraid of me. I knew all three of them were, and I had no way of proving to them that I didn't do anything to Trisha. Unless Trisha miraculously turned up and told them that I didn't have anything to do with it, which of course wasn't going to happen.

"I am in some deep crap," I muttered to myself. I sighed and leaned up against one of the pillars and looked out on the street. Cal was jogging down the street, ear phones in and MP3 in hand. Didn't Miranda and Lisa say something about thinking that he was lying about who he saw put that note on Miranda's desk? I think yes. I ran out on the street to catch up with him and tapped on his shoulder when I did. He pulled his right ear phone out when he saw it was me.

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