Lies 8

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The last bell of the day rang and everyone jumped out of their seats, excited to be leaving this hell hole for the weekend. I know for a fact that I was. I jumped out of my seat right along with everyone else and practically bolted out, exiting through the doors that led right into the parking lot. Brian could have been half serious for all I know about this whole fight thing, but I wasn't going to take that chance. I wanted this all to end, now and it was going to right when I wipe the ground with his ass. And there he is, I thought. Standing right in front of my car with Cody leaning on my hood. Ooh if they left so much as a scratch on my baby, I would sue. I walked toward them, dropping my backpack by Miranda's car without stopping, and held out my arms.

"So what? Are we gonna do this thing or what?" I asked them.

"You seriously want to fight us?" Brian asked.

"Us?" I repeated. "Seriously Brian? You know you can't take me so you gotta get help to fight me?"

"I don't need help to fight YOU. I'm stronger than you, I could take you."

"Yeah, right," I scoffed. "In your dreams, maybe."

"I'm getting a little sick of your attitude, Anderson," he said as he got up in my face. "Maybe it's time I teach you a lesson."

"Ooh, I'm scared now," I said sarcastically. "What are you going to do? Flick me?"

"You know what-" he began, but the rest of what he said was drowned out by Miranda and Lisa.

"Hey, hey!" Lisa shouted.

"Don't start this now!" Miranda said as she ran over to us. She stepped in the small space between Brian and me, facing me. "Step back, Tyler. Just leave it, okay? Just let it go."

"Yeah, Tyler. Just let it go," Brian taunted.

"You can shut that hole in your face you call a mouth before I shut it for you!" I snapped at him. I had just become aware of the large circle that had formed around us when they all ooh'ed at what I just said.

"Alright, you guys can all go home to your mommies! There's nothing to see here!" Jesse shooed them away. Being Jesse, he was able to make them all leave right away but not without casting a last long glance over at me and Brian to hopefully see a hit from one of us.

"Please, what are you going to do?" Brian challenged.

"Nothing. He's going to do nothing because you're not worth his time," Miranda snapped at him. "Now get the hell off of his car."

"Are you serious?" Brian laughed while he pointed at Miranda. He looked up at me with an amused expression. "Your girl has to do all the talking for you? Is that it? She wears the pants in your relationship?"

"No, but she wears the heels and she's not afraid to shove them five feet up your arrogant ass," she said bitterly. Lisa held in her laugh and turned around so we couldn't see her face while Jesse made a "musn't laugh" expression. Brian looked shocked.

"You got a real mouth on you, don't you James?"

"And she's not afraid to use it," Holly snickered. When the hell did she get behind him?

"Who was talking to you?" Miranda asked her with a glare.

"I was just stating a fact. You're not afraid to use it. You know, to talk or to stick things in," she said with a smirk. Miranda clenched her jaw and rolled her right hand into a fist.

"Are you sure you're talking about me and not yourself, Holly?" Miranda asked. "Because we're two different people, you know?"

"That's for sure," Holly scoffed. "And yes, I was talking about you. There are some major differences between us. One big one in particular between you, me, and the rest of your little buddies there."

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