Lies 15

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BILLY THE KID!!!!! Lol, don't ask. I'm just really random right now. SOOOOO SORRY that it took so freaking long to upload again. I've been absolutely DROWNING in homework. I swear, I really think that it should be illegal.

Whatever, I'll let you guys get to reading. OH! BTW, you might not really like the last parts. Just saying. Fair warning.

<3 Nikky~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Pace back. Pace forth. Pace back. Pace forth. I kept pacing from one side of my room to the other, unsure of what it was that I was so worried about. Trisha was alive and that meant that Tyler didn't do anything to her! Then again, we didn't know for sure if it was Trisha who bumped into Tyler. For all we know, it could have been Holly or someone like that. Yeah, that's it. Keep telling yourself that. I groaned and squealed out of frustration, running my hands through my already tangled up hair. No matter what I did or said I just couldn't convince myself because there was a more likely chance that it wasn't true. My phone ran and I practically dove on my bed to answer it.

"Hello?" I answered right away.

"Miranda, get over here now," Lisa said in a demanding tone. I was guessing Tyler told her the good news.

"Okay, I'll be right over," I assured her right away. She hung up the phone and I stood up quickly from my bed, sneaking out of my room and to the top of the stairs. I could hear voices coming off the TV, so I was guessing that meant Mom was watching something. The good news about that was that the couch was facing away from the stairs, letting me make a clean getaway. I made my way down the stairs so quietly that I made a mouse seem loud as hell.

"Where are you going?" Mom asked. I froze in my place at the bottom of the stairs, slowly turning my head to look at her. How had she heard me? Was I louder than I thought I was? "Don't go in there!" Confused, I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at the TV. Jamie Lee was backing up into the closet where her dead friend was soon to swing out- and there it is I thought as she screamed. Mom snickered and mumbled 'I told you so' while I rolled my eyes and continued on my way out of the house. Luckily, the back door was propped open. Mom must have forgotten to close it again like she normally does. I bolted out the door and to my car right in front of the car. Sure she'd have a fit that I didn't tell her where I was going, but I'm eighteen and I shouldn't really have to report to her for everything. Besides, I really didn't feel like explaining where I was going. I drove down to Lisa's place and found that Jesse's van was already parked on the driveway. I quickly parked and went up to her door. I hadn't even knocked once before it whipped open and Lisa yanked me in. I'm assuming it was Lisa because they had small- yeah it was Lisa.

"Were you followed?" Lisa asked.

"What? No, I don't think so," I replied.

"I was kidding. You didn't have to answer that."

"Remind me why you asked that?"

"I just saw it in a movie and I didn't have any other excuse to use it today."

"Oh......kay. What's going on? Why did I have to rush over here?"

"Mmm? Oh yeah, Tyler."

"What about Tyler?" I wanted to make sure that her and I were on the same page before I went convincing her that my boyfriend was a total nut case.

"What he saw...."

"Okay, just making sure you knew."

"Of course I knew. I was the first person he told."

"I just figured that-"

"Figured that what, Lise?"

"Just- never mind. Come inside," she said as she ushered me through the door. Jesse and Tyler were already sitting at the table in the dining room, so silent you could hear a pin drop.

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