Lies 5

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Short one today guys. Sorry. I didn't really have a lot of time, but I got something up. Goodbye all!

<3 Nikky~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Holly was just asking to be slapped. When Lisa slapped Kayla this morning, she should have slapped Holly right with her. I mean for GOD SAKES this girl went on and on and ON about how Cody was going to kick my ass and Brian was going to do the same thing and how they could take both me and Jesse. I kept telling her to shove it and go somewhere, but she ignored me and kept on talking about the same thing. How the freaking teacher wasn't noticing any of this, I had no idea.

"And then, they're gonna-"

"Shut the hell up before I kill you," I threatened. I...PROBABLY shouldn't have done that.

"Does your slut girlfriend know that you talk like that?" she asked me. I would have punched her. If I wasn't a dude, I would have punched her. Or if she was a dude, I would have punched her. But since I'm a guy and she's a girl, I can't. Well, I could, but I refused to become my father that way.


"Holly, turn around," stupid teacher finally demanded. Holly, like the goody-two shoes she was, did as she was told and turned around in her seat, but not without glaring at me one last time. Seriously, these guys had no right to be mad at us. What because me, Jesse, Lisa, and Miranda all started hanging out they get pissed off? Sure, we kept a few things hidden from them but that's only because we had to! It's not like it's all that easy to walk up to your best friend and say "hey guess what! I killed a guy last night with three other people! It was fun man, you should have been there!" Oh and not to mention "this guy totally found out about us killing that guy and he tried to blackmail us, so I killed him to keep him quiet." Again, not all that easy to do.

I was out of the classroom as soon as the bell rang. Someone yanked on the back of my shirt and made me face them. That someone was Holly, begging to be punched again.

"I swear, Tyler. You better watch yourself," she said in a cold tone.

"Holly, let go of my shirt."

"I'm just giving you a fair warning."

"And I'm just giving you a fair warning of what may happen if you don't get your claws out of my shirt."

"What are you going to do? Hit me-"

"Get your stinking hands off my boyfriend before I chop them off," Miranda snapped. Holly did as she said and took a step back, almost looking....afraid? Was she afraid of Miranda? I mean, she should be after Miranda just threatened to chop her hands off, but still.

"Hey whore, how's it going?" Holly asked her.

"Just fine. I thought you were supposed to be working the corner today, though," Miranda retorted sounding very much like a snob. I kind of liked it.

"I got the day off," Holly said through gritted teeth. She was frustrated she wasn't getting to Miranda like she wanted to.

"Hm, your pimp gave you the day off? How nice of Cody."

"Listen you little bi-"

"Can't right now, we have to get to class," Miranda said as she took my upper left arm. "See you later, tramp." She quickly led me away from Holly before she could open her mouth to respond and as soon as our backs were to Holly, I burst out laughing.

"You've got to be kidding me," I said.

"What?" Miranda asked.

"You just- snubbed her! And you insulted her! I've never heard you talk like that," he said.

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