Chapter 1

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Andy's POV:

"Come on Andy..." said a youngish looking guy with black hair, and a tattoo on his abs that said 'OUTLAW'

He pulled me up and basically dragged me down into the basement. He locked the Door behind us. Then turned around and pressed his lips against mine. At first I fought then he pulled away. I have to admit he was pretty cute. He bit his lip.

"I'm sorry.. I just can't resist-"

He managed to get that out then he pressed his lips against mine again. This time I didn't fight I kissed him back. He explored my mouth and I moaned. He guided me to the bed and layed me down. While he was still kissing me he rubbed me through my pants and-


I jumped up and looked down.

"Oh great. That dream excited me a little too much." I mumbled to myself.

I grabbed a towel and a change of clothes and walked to the bathroom. I jumped in the shower, washed my face, brushed my teeth, dried off, got dressed, then done my hair and put on some eyeliner. I took one last look in the mirror then walked downstairs to get my backpack. I walked towards the kitchen to get my keys and My dad stopped me.

"For fucks sake Andy. Why do you dress like that and wear makeup then wonder why people beat you up?" He scoffed then punched me in the stomach twice and shoved me into the counter.

"Trying to toughen you up, dumbass" he smirked then walked out into the living room.

I sat there for a second. Then grabbed my keys and walked out of the house. While I was getting into my car this guy walked out of the house beside me. We made eye contact for a second then he turned his face away and started walking up the street. He looks so familiar. I drove up to him and rolled my windows down.

"Where are you going?" I asked him.

He still avoided eye contact but mumbled "East River High."

"Really me too. Hop in. I'll drive us." I said while unlocking the door.

He got in and still tried to not look at me.

"I'm new here. I guess I'm your neighbor. I'm Andy Biersack." I held out my hand.

"I'm Ashley Purdy" he said and turned towards me when our hands touched. His eyes got big.

"You're from my dream" I mumbled. Then i saw that his eye was black and swollen.

"What?" He said kind of confused then turned his head fast.

"I.. i um.. i said What happened to your eye?" I asked hoping he didn't know what I said in the first place.

"Just... just a little accident" he whispered.

I nodded and started the car up. "You know what? I'm not really feeling school today. Wanna hang out somewhere?"

His face lit up and he nodded. He started texting someone then asked if we could go to Starbucks.

So I drove to Starbucks because he wanted to go get a drink from there. We sat down in a booth.

"So.. tell me about yourself" I said. In the back of my mind I kept hoping he'd be like 'I'm gay' but why would someone say that? He took a sip then looked up at me.

"I'm Ashley Purdy. I play bass Guitar and I sing A little. I'm 18 years old, I'm a senior and.. Um I'm bad at talking about myself"
He sorta laughed then took another sip from his drink.

Ashley's POV:
This Andy kid... he's very cute, nice and looks so familiar. I wanted to tell him more about me but I don't know how he'd take 'I get abused by my foster parents, I drink to relieve pain, sometimes I self harm, I have anxiety and I'm depressed. Oh yeah I'm also gay.' Plus I barely even know him.

"Any Interests? Like um.. hobbies, stuff you go for or things you like..?" He said then lifted an eyebrow.

I bit my lip and got a little nervous. When I bit my lip Andy's eyes got wide then he started to blush. I dropped my napkin and bent down to pick it up. When I did I looked at Andy and he had a noticeable bulge through his pants.

"Mmm.. Andy are you uh.."I pointed down.

"Shit" he mumbled. "I'll be back." He walked towards the back to go in the bathroom.

I texted Jake and told him that i wasn't going to school. When Andy returned I said "Hey let's go to my house. My foster parent are gone."

"You have foster parents..?" He asked

God now he's going to hate me. I looked down. He touched my hand then jerked away because I looked up."I'm sorry. We can talk about this when we get to your house if you want. Or we don't have to. But let's go."

We arrived to my house then walked down to the basement (my room). He sat down on my bed. And I sat down on the other side.

"Now what?" I asked. Then I heard the front door slam. "Shit shit shit. We need to hide." I said beginning to get terrified. I opened up the door to my walk in closet and motioned for him to follow. We sat down on the floor but pretty close to each other.

"Is that your foster dad?" He asked. I Nodded. "Did he do that?" He pointed to my eye. I nodded again. "I'm so sorry" he said then wrapped his arms around me. It felt awkward for a second but then it felt nice. I leaned my head on his chest as we heard footsteps going down the stairs.

Andy's POV :

"I know you're here you faggot." We heard some guy say. I wonder if he's really gay or if he's just trying to insult him. NO stop thinking About That. I shook my head and tightened my grip because Ashley started shaking.

"Come on. Get out of the closet" the man said then opened the door. "Oh shit" I mumbled.

Andy and Ashley both have abusive parents. Throughout the chapters I'll do author notes. i hope yall enjoy this story. My other is Right Guy, Wrong Time.

My fanpage on instagram is and I'm half owner of @shadows.never.die my personal is @meganchowning. Follow/Vote/Share/Like.

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