Chapter 2

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Ashley's POV:

He stood at the door and my heart began to pound.

"Oh look. I found you." My foster dad said while swinging back and forth. He was drunk so hopefully his punches won't be too hard.

He look and pointed at Andy "WHAT THE FUCK! WHY IS THERE ANOTHER GUY IN HERE? I Knew you were A Queer." He said the last sentence with a smile and walked towards me.

He looked at Andy and raised his fist. He was about to punch him but I pushed him back. Knowing I fucked up but I didn't want him to hurt Andy. "Run" I said while my dad was getting up. Andy got up and ran upstairs.

I took a deep breath and my dad ran towards me. He punched me multiple times and when I fell down he kicked my head. My vision became blurry.

When he was about to stomp on the right side of my stomach I saw a human figure with black poofy hair jump on him and put him in a choke hold. Then he fell down and the figure walked up to me.

"Are you okay?" They said worried. I blinked a couple of times and noticed that the figure was Andy. "Mm Andy" I managed to get out before everything went black.

*Jakes and Jinxx's POV from this morning*
Jakes POV:
"Wake up baby." I whispered while gently rubbing Jinxx's back.

He grunted then turned on his side. "We have to get ready Jeremy." I whispered into his ear then bit his neck lightly. He moaned and layed on his back. "Mm.. good morning sweetie." He said while pulling me onto him. I leaned down and kissed his nose "Good morning."

My phone vibrated so I got off and unplugged it. "I'll start making breakfast." I said to him and gave him a quick peck on the lips. He layed back down.

I walked downstairs and read a text message from Ashley.
"Hey um. So this is weird.. but you know the guy from my dreams? I'm with him right now!" I sat down at the end of the table and replied with "oooo yass. What are yall doing? Is he interesting? Is he as good looking and sweet as the guy in your dream?"

I sat my phone down and got the eggs and bacon out. I Opened up The Cabinet And got A wisk, a medium sized bowl and pancake mix and sat back down at the table.

While I was wisking the mix I got another text. It was from jinxx "I love you baby :*." I slightly blushed and sent back "I love you more." Then Ashley texted again.

"Jake he's so cute like omf. He decided to skip school so we're at Starbucks. But I'm so awkward and extremely shy right now. He gave me butterflies when he shook my hand."then he texted again before I finished reading it all "omfg! I gave him a boner. Well i think I did. I bit my lip then he blushed and I got nervous and dropped my napkin. While I was picking it up I noticed a huge bulge. Then He Walked away Embarrassed. Dude help he's so much better than in my dream." I laughed while reading this because he was freaking out and it was adorable.

I leaned back and sent "dude just calm down. This is adorable but hilarious. Just be yourself." He then texted "Alright thanks. We're going to my house ahhhh xD" I replied with "good luck. Lemme know what happens."

I stood up and made Jinxx's favorite Which was bacon- pancake dippers. I fixed the bacon where it was crispy then Covered pancake mix on it. After I made that I went to the fridge and got some strawberries and grapes and some vanilla almond milk.

I sat the food down on the table and walked upstairs. I wrapped my arms around his side. "Foods readyyyyy Jinxxy." I said then kissed his shoulder. "What's Cookin' Good lookin?" He asked while he turned to face me.

I pecked a kiss on his lips "your favorite." His face lit up and he pushed me away "PANCAKE- BACON DIPPERS, PANCAKE - BACON DIPPERS, PANCAKE - BACON DIPPERRRRRS" He yelled while running down the stairs. I laughed at him then walked downstairs to eat with him.

Andy's POV :
Ashley passed out so I picked him up and carried him upstairs. I grabbed a few clothes on my way into the living room. We walked outside and I sat him in my car. "I can't take him in my house.. my dad's still there and my mom's not home yet. I don't have money.. money." I then stepped out of the car and ran in my house.

Being as quiet and fast as possible I walked to my room and grabbed my wallet and some clothes. Then i tiptoed into my mom's room and borrowed $60.

I walked out and got into the car. Ashley was mumbling but didn't wake up. While we were at a stop light he layed his head on my shoulder and smiled. It was so adorable. I took out my phone and we took a selfie together. then he started to snore a little. I chuckled then layed his head over on the other side and buckled him in.

We arrived at a hotel and I walked in and payed for it. Our room was on the left side which is good so I didn't have to walk in carrying him through the lobby.

I got the clothes and put them in a bag from my backseat then carried him to our room. I felt his phone vibrate from his back pocket. When we got in the room i took his boots off and I layed him down and grabbed his phone. Some guy named jake was calling so I answered.

*Phone call*
Jake- "dudeeee how is he? How's it going? It's been an hour and you didn't text me back. Is he as great as you thought?"
I started to blush and smile from ear to ear then the call disconnected. Does he really like me?

I leaned back and texted my mom.
"Hey mom I won't be home today. I also borrowed $60. I love you.
She texted back instantly
"Okay hun. I love you too. That's fine.
The reason why we put out names at the bottom is because neither one of us has our numbers saved into each others phone yet. I know her number but she doesn't know mine.

I stood up and covered up Ashley. He was still out of it I kissed his forehead gently and walked into the bathroom. I took off my shirt and looked at my bruised ribs. I turned around and looked at my slightly bruised back. "I fucking hate Chris." I mumbled while putting my shirt back on.

I walked back into the room and Ashley was shaking and slight wimpers escaped his lips so I took off my boots and pressed his body up against mine. I lifted up his head and gently layed it down on my arm, then swung my other one around his waist. His whimpers and shaking stopped and then I fell asleep.

A little of janxx and Andley xD ya like? Instagram- @meganchowning,, @shadows.never.die follow/vote/comment/share.
-Much love

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