Chapter 14

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I'm doing this cause I love you guys. I need to be asleep but nah.

CC's POV :
"I can't believe I ruined their god damn relationship. You're so stupid! Atleast it's the last year of BVB being together.. now I can finally go where I've wanted to." I got a piece of paper and wrote "I'm in the garage" and left it on the front door.

I went into the garage, closed the door. and sat in the car. I turned it on and took heavy breaths. "Mom.. I'm coming." I said taking my last breath.

Jakes POV :
I finally got home and the rained stopped after an hour.

  I kept replaying that scene in my head. Maybe I should go see if CC'S okay. No wait I should be pissed. I have a right to be mad. I started feeling bad and just decided to go to his house.

I walked up to his front door and saw a note taped to it "I'm in the garage" I read to myself. Hmm that's unusual. I walked through the unlocked door, into his kitchen, and opened the door to the Garage,  his car was on, and gush of carbon monoxide hit me in the face. I quickly ran in and turned off his car.

There layed his lifeless body. I dragged him out into the kitchen. "CC please! Don't die. I'm so sorry" I begged and began crying as I cradled my dead best friend. I stood up and rushed to find a pen and paper.

Dear guys,
I'm sorry.. I ended up being the cause of CC's death. I need to go.. I need to be with him. I love you guys.. please forgive me..
Love, Jake

I slammed the paper and pen down and went to CCS closet grabbing his gun. I knelt down beside him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Wait for me buddy." I said as a tear slipped down my cheek. I got in the corner of the kitchen and stuck the gun in my mouth. I started breathing heavy. I closed my eyes and pulled the trigger.

Andy's POV :
"they.. They Killed themselves?" I collapsed onto Ashley and began sobbing

More chapters to come. Bet no one expected this. Boom shaka laka. Comment/ vote / share

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