Chapter 10

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Jinxx's POV :
"I wonder if Andy ever found Ashley" I said while washing off the knife. "I don't know" CC said half way asleep. Jake yawned "can we just go to the hotel? I'm sure they're in their rooms asleep." I walked over and kissed his cheek "okay let's go then."

I grabbed Jakes hand and CC followed behind. We passed the bus and saw a shadow of a man with a young girl "that must be Ashley and some slut he picked up." CC said a little aggravated. "Yeah I don't get it. He clearly has a thing for Andy but fucks all these girls." Jake said a little frustrated. I squeezed his hand a little so he'd calm down. "I know guys. Maybe It's just hard for him To accept it." I said as We walked into the hotel. We got in the elevator then walked cc to his room. Ours was next door.

"Babe you want to take a bath together? The bath tub is huge" I said staring at the bathroom. He walked behind me and kissed my neck "I'd love to."

Sexual shit so don't read it if you don't want to. But come on.. this is what Andley Fanfics are all about xD.

Andy's POV :
"Ashhh. Ah - don't stop" I said in between moans. He was jerking me off while kissing my neck. He looked up and stopped a second to kiss me again but pulled away biting my lip.

He got on his knees and licked around my tip. He licked up my shaft and pecked little kisses on me. He opened his mouth and took me in. He started out nice and slow then got faster. I was breathing heavy and he kept bobbing his head each time getting deeper. I had a feeling in my stomach "as-shh I'm gon-na cu" before I finished my sentence I already came. He looked up at me with an evilish smirk and grabbed my hand. "Come with me" he said. I walked with him.

"Lay down here, be naked when I get back" he pointed at the bed in the back of the bus. I started Removing my clothes. I really wanted him inside me.

"I'm back" he said with a smirk. "Now you come here" he was so fucking adorable and demanding when he's drunk.

I walked over to the edge of the bed where he sat. I looked at him knowing what he wanted me to do. I kissed him gently biting his tongue softly as I pulled away. I left little kissed down his Jaw and neck. I bit his neck and sucked lightly leaving a few hickies. His shirt was already off so I left a trail of kisses down his chest and abs. I outlined his 'OUTLAW' tattoo with my tongue. Causing him to be impatient.

"Damnit Andy. Don't Tease" He said and ripped his Pants off. I pulled down his boxers with my teeth. exposing his erection. I did what he did to me but with a few twists. I gave tiny kisses Up his shaft and around his tip. I Wanted To tease him. I began to lick his tip, gently patting it with my tongue really fast. His breathing increased and he arched his back. I then took him fully in my mouth. Bobbing my head slowly I deep throated him. I reached up and gently massaged his balls and he moaned loudly. He grabbed a handful of my hair making me go deeper and faster. Before he came I stopped. And looked at him with a puppy dog look "please?" I asked and he knew exactly what I meant.

He grabbed my hands and tied them to one side of the belt and the other to the bed. I'm on my hands and knees. He licked his finger and entered it inside me. He then entered 2 then 3 It stung a little but then it felt pleasurable.

"You ready?" He asked. "Yes. Fuck me" I begged, not wanting to wait another moment. He thrusted into me causing me to scream out. He kept thrusting and I started moaning loudly. Mm it feels so good. While he thrusted into me he gently pumped my dick causing me to moan louder. He Thrusted into me quickly and began panting. He soon got sloppy and we both came. He un did the belts and laid beside me.

"So how was that?" He Smirked. "it was great" I said smirking back. We covered up and I kissed his head. "I love you Ashley." He kissed my chest "love you andy" he said then we both passed out.

Ashley's POV :
I woke up with the worst headache. I looked around trying to remember where i was. I fell asleep on the bus?. I heard a little moan from the person behind me. Who did I sleep with? The person turned towards me. When I saw it was Andy I screamed. "Ow fucks sake Ashley. My head hurts Why did y-" he looked at me and his mouth dropped open. He lifted up the covers seeing that we were both naked. "Did we uh-" he got interrupted by CC running into the bus.

Andy's POV :
"Ashley!" He yelled. Ashley hid under the covers and CC opened the Door "Ash- uh.. Andy? Why are you in here? I thought Ashley was in here last night. Wait why are you shirtless? You NEVER Sleep shirtless." I got red "happy birthday C. Nice to see you too." I said Sarcastically then said "nah I don't know where Ashley is. I slept in here last night, I never found him when I looked for I was shirtless cause it was hot" I Could Tell that CC wasnt buying It. "Okay but why is Ashley's pants ripped up right here?" He asked picking them up from the floor. I shrugged " I honestly don't know." CC put his finger to his lip "mhn.. okay" then walked out of the bus.

Ashley uncovered his head "shit dude.. I barely remember last night" he mumbled "I know right, me either but I know something happened cause my ass hurts." We laughed when I said that last sentence.

"What are we going to do?" Ashley asked. I wanted to ask him out right then and there. I actually remember almost everything that happened that night but I just said "hey we were drunk and it just happened.. Not like If we were sober we'd do that."

Ashley's POV :
I remembered everything from last night. But Andy just said that if we were sober we wouldn't have done that. Kinda true. I'm more adventurous and outgoing when I'm drunk because I can use that as an excuse.

We talked and decided to act like last night never happened.

Let's talk about sex baby. Bruh I'm bad at writing smut xD love yall vote/comment / share

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