Chapter 11

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I love you all so much. This story reached over 1k views thanks. Yall are amazing!
CC's POV :
I came back out of the hotel and saw Ashley standing beside the bus. "Dude! I've been looking for you. Do you want to go party tonight?" I knew he'd say yeah Because he never turns down a party. "Sure C. Want to go right now? There's a bar across the street." "Yasss, but tonight we're going there" I said and pointed at a club. He smirked and we started walking to the bar.

Jakes POV :
"Mmm Jakey" I heard jinxx mumble in his sleep. I grinned and pecked his back with gentle kisses. He woke up and turned to me. "Who said you could stop?" He whined. I laughed and pecked his lips "Let's take a shower babe, then we have somewhere to go." He looked at me confused "but we don't have a show tonight so where are we going?" "Out. So come one." I whined trying to pull him up. "Ugh okay babe." He grunted.

Andy's POV :
After ash left I started to get Dressed for my interview today. I grabbed some skinny jeans and a tank top and did a little bit of eyeliner then headed in the hotel.

"So we will start with the number one question. Is Andley real?" God damnit I knew that they were going to ask that. I shook my head no. "Okay, how do you feel about this?" They Showed Me A photoshopped picture of me and Ashley kissing. Mm that made me crave his lips.. I bit my lip and said "I find that very disrespectful. We're basically brothers. No more and no less." Good thing no one can read my mind though.

Jakes POV :
*later that day*
"Okay babe close your eyes" I said while guiding him through the door. "Jake really. Your hands are over my eyes. I literally can't see anything." He laughed. "Ooo sassy" I teased. I uncovered his eyes. "We're here to watch the sunset and to have a picnic on the beach." I said. A huge grin crept on his face "sex on the beach?" He Smirked. I fell down laughing when he said that. "Jinxx you naughty boy. Can't I just have a romantic time with you?"I asked trying not to laugh. He stood there for a moment then stuck a finger up "but wait. Sex on the beach is romantic." I grabbed the stuff out of the car "shut up." I said and sat the blanket out.

*strip club*

CC's POV :
"Woah Ash. Calm down. You're hella drunk." I said as I pulled Ashley's 5th bottle of beer away. Hes already had 2 full bottles of whiskey and 5 bottles of beer. He giggled "no ma'am. I'm hella crunk." He got up and started shaking his hips. "Ashley really stop. You're drunker than me." I said but then busted out laughing.

This girl came up and tried to give him a lap danced but he laughed and waved his finger in her face and said "no,no, no" she then tried to kiss him and he said "hahaha you not Andy" and pushed her away. I grabbed him and we sat down at one of the booths "Andy?" I asked. He touched My lips With his Finger And giggled More "shhh don't tell." "Ashley are you talking about Andy? The lead singer in our band or a different Andy?" I asked raising an eyebrow. He leaned back and yawned "Andeeee." And then passed out.

I Carried him out to the bus and I saw Andy. He grabbed him and took him inside. "CC go back and party if you want. I'll take care of him. Go on and celebrate your birthday." I nodded. "By the way hes had 2 bottles of whiskey and 5 beers" Andy rolled his eyes. "Okay cc. Don't you drink that much."I nodded and went back to the strip club.

Andy's POV :
I walked back in and sat on the floor near the couch. "Andee" Ashley mumbled. I laughed. He was so adorable. He sat up slowly "Andee" he said smiling. I sat near him on the couch. He looked at me and started leaning in to kiss me. Eh he's drunk so he won't remember this. I leaned in and kissed him back. He pulled away with a satisfying look. "gotchya" he said with an evil smirk then bit his lip.

Ashley's POV :
I leaned in waiting for Andy to kiss me and he did. When I pulled away I was satisfied. "Gotchya" I said then bit my lip. He started to stutter "uh-wha-what do you mean." "You said that if we were drunk we wouldn't have done what we did last night. But Andy you aren't drunk. You leaned in and kissed me back." I crossed my arms. He Started blushing "yeah but.. wait I thought you had 2 bottles of whiskey and 5 beers." "God no Andy. I'd Never Drink that much. I was Acting drunk." He leaned back "we can't be together." I looked down then at him "why not?" He sighed "because.. what will the fans think." "Bruh what do you mean? Half of the fans ship us." "I know but Ashley-" I interrupted him and kissed him again then pulled away "unless you don't like me in that way, then I'll stop but if you do then why can't we be together?" He leaned over "just give me time to think Ash.. okay?" I nodded "Alright. I'm going to go to my bunk if you need me." I got up and walked to my bunk.

Jinxx's POV :
"Jakey pooh you're the sweetest." I said and kissed his nose gently. He giggled "jinxxy pooh you're the cutest. I hugged him tight. I kissed his neck trying to find his sweet spot. He did a soft moan "jinxx stop being a horndog." I pulled away and laughed "bruh! A horndog. Same." He crossed his arms "yeah I know.. duh, youd say same cause I was talking about you dumbass."

He was mad but The thing is lip bites turn us on. "Awh I'm sorry baby" I caressed his face and bit my lip. "Fucking hell. Stop." He then grinned and pushed me down, and got on top of me. We started making out then he pulled away. "No jake. I have a boner now" I said kinda aggravated.

He got up and went to the car then headed back. I stood up "What are you doing?" I asked a little confused. He got on one knee "jinxx baby, I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?"

Will he say yas or nah? Anyways I think drunk people that are all giggley are cute af. Vote/like/comment follow my instagram and shadows.never.die
~much love

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