Chapter 5

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Andy's POV:

I stood up getting angrier by the second. again I repeated "What the fuck are they doing here?" I motioned towards them. the man smirked "Andy what do you mean? We are his foster parents, of course we'd be here." James said then sat down beside I guess his wife who was shaking and looked scared to death. then Chris walked up. I rolled my eyes and sat down in the corner.

My mom put her hand on my lap "they are his parents Andy." "No mom! I don't care. Hes not much of one. All he is, is an abusive dick." I snapped. Then glanced at him. "Andy.." My mom gasped. I shook my head and walked outside. I sat down on the concrete edge and closed my eyes. I heard footsteps so I looked up.

"An abusive dick huh?" James laughed and stood in front of me. "Atleast I've never put Ashley in the hospital you stupid fag." He spat at me. "I don't give a fuck what you say about me. No one would believe you. It's called having a good reputation Andy so. Good luck in trying to convince people that I'm an 'abusive dick'" he smirked and walked back into the hospital. I stood up and kicked a rock then entered shortly after.

I was walking to the waiting room but I heard crying in the handicap bathroom. I knocked on the door but no one said anything so I walked in. I saw Ashley's foster mom on the floor crying. Should I stay? No. Let's just go - but Andy you have to make sure she's okay. I sat down beside her.

"You alright?" I asked looking at her. She quickly pulled her sleeve down and sniffled "I'm fi-fine." "No your not" I said. She looked at me and cried a little louder. "You're right.. I'm not okay and I never will be. I can't let James go but he's hurting me and Ashley. Poor ashy.. I didn't think James would send him here." I sighed I didn't know if I should tell her what happened or not. I took a deep breath "um.. i have to tell you something...Hes in here because of me." Her face got red and an angry look crept on it "What do you mean?" I put my head down "this guy threatened to beat me up if I wasn't mean to Ashley and my dad already beats me up so I didn't want another person to so I yelled at Ash. I didn't mean anything by it.. I-" she stood up "you made my son cut and have a heart attack!? You fucking low life piece of shit!" She kicked me then ran out crying.

I layed my head down on my hands she's right. I am a lowlife piece of shit. I shouldn't have done that. I should be in this condition not him. But maybe he won't be mad? I walked out into the waiting room. Ashley's parents left and I only saw my mom. She gave me a kiss "his parents are going on vacation for a week so they left earlier. If he gets out he can stay with us." Then handed me money. "Thanks mom. Love you." She nodded then left. There was no way I was going to leave this room though. I wanted to see him. I was craving his presence.

I fell asleep in a chair then some lady woke me up. "Andy? Mr. Purdy would like to see you." I stood up and walked with her. I was so excited to see him because that means he's doing good. Right? I walked into the room and she closed the door. He was totally fine. He sat on the edge of the bed and was glowing. He had a white gown on but not like the regular ones. He was flawless. I walked closer and i saw a more life like version of him on the bed. "Oh my god Ashley. Are you dead?" I began to cry. He shook his head yeah and looked down. "Isn't that what you wanted?" He said. I began crying louder and harder. I couldn't breathe. Then i felt someone grabbing me and yelling my name. "No!no!" I yelled then opened my eyes to Julianna.

"Bad dream?" She asked. I was still crying. "Is Ashley okay?" She nodded "yes Mr. Purdy is doing very good progress. In 1 hour you can visit him. Maybe go get something to eat first. You haven't ate since yesterday." She smiled at me. I nodded "thank you so much. But I don't want to leave." She checked her watch "hmm well okay Andy. If you need anything let Tina know. I'm done for today." I nodded and thanked her again.

I sat back and started crying more and more because I felt so bad about Ashley. That dream felt so real. I keep thinking about what ifs. Like what if that was real? What if he thinks I want him dead? What if he does die? I don't know how I'd live with myself. I wiped my eyes and shook the thought away and walked up to the counter.

"May I have a blanket" I asked Tina. She smiled, nodded, and walked to the room with the blankets. She came out with 2 pillows and a blanket "here you go." I smiled and said thank you. I layed down on the couch.

I was moving my pillows when Julianna came back with a sack. "I thought you got off work?" I said. She extended her arm "I did but I went and got you some food. I didn't want you to be hungry. Now I'm going to leave. Goodnight Andy. I really hope everything works out okay." I got up and hugged her "thank you and me too" I said. She walked away and I sat down and ate.


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