Chapter 15

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Read the ending in bold print.

Jinxx's POV :
"They..they're dead?" I asked shaking, looking up at the officer. He shook his head yes. All my feelings hit me at once. The most powerful feeling was guilt. How could I let them do this? I caused all this. I ran past the officer and went to the guest bedroom. I could hear Andy and Ashley's faint sobs through the closed door. I cried all night until I finally fell asleep.

*one week later, funeral day*

Ashley's POV :
Jinxx hasn't left his room for a week. He barely talks to Andy and I, and never eats. Today is ccs and Jakes funeral so he's forced to go. He needs to pay his respects.

I kissed Andy's back and shook him gently "Baby time to get ready" I whispered in his ear. It was a lie though, we still had 2 1/2 hours but I wanted him awake. He yawned and turned over. "Good morning Ashey" he said and gave me a kiss. He pulled away smiling. "What is it?" I asked

He sat on me and leaned down kissing my lips. I pulled him away "babeeeee is someone in a mood?" I tried to ask serious but laughed a little. He just looked at me so I bit my lip. I felt his dick grow hard "God damnit Ashley! Why do you do that. You know what that does!" I thought for a second and laughed "awh babe remember the first day we met? I bit my lip and gave you a boner." He blushed a little then smirked. "You know what sweety? Now you can help me with this boner. Would you mind?" he whispered in my ear. Sending shivers all over my body.

I sat up a little and rearranged him. I kissed him gently and pulled back a little. "My pleasure." I whispered into his lips. I crashed my lips on his again and rubbed him through his pants. I pushed him down roughly and got on top of him. While making out I unbuttoned and unzipped his pants. I stuck my hand in his boxers and a little moan escaped him. I started jerking him off and he bit my lip. "Ashey.. please?" He begged.

I got off of his lap and pulled down his pants. I kissed his stomach until I reached the band of his boxers. I bit them and pulled them off slowly. I licked his shaft and kissed his tip. I stuck his tip in my mouth and swirled it around with my tongue. He threw his head back and moaned loudly. He grabbed a handful of my hair and I began bobbing my head. Each time I went further so I could pleasure him. He started moaning louder. I pulled away and finished him off with a hand job. I pumped him fast and he came. I stood up and kissed him "better now?" I asked. He smirked "way better. Let's go take a shower."

We walked in the hallway, past Jinxx's room, into the bathroom. I turned on the water and turned towards him. He slammed me up against the wall and kissed me roughly. He squeezed my ass, then kissed and sucked my neck.

I bent over and he slammed into me "fuck" I yelled. It hurt for the first few thrusts then it felt good. The water hit my back, making me more relaxed. His thrusts became sloppy and he came.

We were both breathing heavy but he kissed me anyways. "I love you." He whispered pulling apart. "I love you too" I pecked his lips. We washed off then got out of the shower.

We walked back to our room and started getting dressed. I picked out Andy's clothes while he sat on his phone. I pecked his lips "stop and get dressed" I chuckled. He put his phone down and wrapped his arms around me. "I love you." He said Squeezing me. I was a little confused "Whyd you say that?" He looked at me "I just want you to know that. You should know how much you're loved." I smiled and kissed him "I love you too babe."

*after the funeral*
Jinxx was so upset that he had to leave the room a few times. It seriously breaks my heart seeing him like this. He left earlier than Andy and I. We went home and he wasn't there. We Walked into his room and there was A note. It said "railroad" and had a picture he drew of a car on tracks. "Oh my god Andy. We need to go!" I yelled and jerked him out of the house. I jumped in the drivers seat and started driving. "Ashey honey.. calm down." I began panicking "I can't.. we can't lose him."

We got to the train tracks and there was jinxx in his car. I jumped out "jinxx! Please don't do this. We need you" I begged as a tear slipped down my cheek. "They need me!" He yelled all choked up. Andy stepped out "come on jinxx.. we love you." Jinxx stepped out of his car and looked to his left "I love you guys too.. goodbye" he said and closed his eyes. "No ji-" I didn't finish my sentence. The train slammed into his car taking him with it. Blood splattered on me and Andy. I broke down crying and grabbed my chest. I could barely breathe. Andy ran to me and grabbed me. "Ashley stay here.. don't leave me" he said picking me up. I ended up passing out when we got into the hospital.

Andy's POV :
I cried driving to the hospital. I held my babies hand. I can't fucking believe we just witnessed Jinxx's death. What the actual fuck! Now my boyfriends having a fucking heart attack! I rushed him into the hospital. "I need a doctor" I yelled as I saw his eyes roll. I cried louder. Two nurses put him on a gurney and immediately rolled him into the back room. I sat down on the floor crying. First CC, then Jake, now jinxx and possibly Ashley. Please God.. don't let anything happen to him. I'll do anything for him.. please let him be fine..

30 mins later a doctor came out "are you here for Ashley Purdy?" He asked. I cried a little and shook my head. "What's your relation to him" I wiped my eyes and sniffled "I'm his boyfriend, A-Andy." He looked down and sighed "well Andy.. you boyfriends heart failed. It's working a little but it's very weak. We will need to find a donor or else he won't survive." I cried and knew what was going to happen.

4 days later
Ashley's POV :
I fluttered my eyes open at the bright, white room. I looked down and saw needles in my arms. There was a bandage on my chest. I wonder what happened.

A nurse came in my room with a weird look on her face "good you're up" she said and took off her coat revealing a gun that was in her shirt pocket. "Um.. what are you doing?" I asked a little nervous. "Oh you don't remember me?" She smirked and threw her glasses off along with a wig. I gasped. It was the lady from the meet and greet.

"W-whe-where's Andy?" I yelled. She grabbed a knife from the table and turned around "oh about him... You had heart failure and he was your donor. Isn't that sweet? He gave up his life for you. I don't know why though. You're just dirty whore." She got closer to my face. "Scream and you die" she warned me and dragged the knife down my arm. It stung and I wimpered. "Awh what was that?" She grabbed the gun. I thought to myself death would be better than being tortured. I don't even want to live without my boyfriend and friends here. "Shoot me bitch" I said in a raspy voice. She held the gun to my head. "I'll do it-" "DO IT! PULL THE DA-" I heard a bang and everything went black.


"I am Christian Coma, I died from Carbon Monoxide."

"I am Jacob Pitts, I died because I shot myself."

"I am Jeremy Ferguson, I was ran over by a train."

"I am Andy Biersack, I died to save my boyfriends life."

"I am Ashley Purdy, I got shot and now I'm dead. It's not so bad here though. My mom and dad are alot nicer. I get to see all the guys and even my boyfriend."

The end.
I'm starting a new story soon! Writing the first chapter for it either tomorrow or the next day.. PLEASE GIVE ME FEED BACK ON THIS STORY. If you haven't read my other book Right Guy, Wrong Time please go check it out :) go follow me on instagram in you want updates every time I post a new story/chapter. I love you guys so much. Thanks for reading.
(Give feedback by) use the hashtag #bvbintheend1 on instagram and your comments about one or both of my stories. < also tag me and I'll follow you :)
-Much love

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