Chapter 4

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Andy's POV:
I walked out of the classroom searching for Ashley. I stood by the janitors closet and i heard sobbing. I realized it was Ashley so i tried to open the door but it was locked. "Let me in Ashley" I said while trying to mess with the knob. There was no response. I smelt a rusty smell and looked down and The floor was covered in blood. "ASHLEY. I'M SORRY. PLEASE OPEN UP." I yelled louder while pounding my fists on the door. Did he kill himself?.. is he dead. I ran down the hall to find the janitor but I couldn't find anyone. I searched threw my bag and found a Bobby pin. After a few times there was a click and the door opened. The sight was horrible. There was blood, whiskey, a razor, and a lifeless Ashley.

I picked Ashley up and ran to the car. I immediately drove to the hospital.

"Patients name?" The nurse asked. I sat him down in a wheelchair I wiped a tear away "Ashley Pu-urdy" I said almost losing it. I hugged him tight "ple-please.. Ashley. Please be okay." They took him to the back. I sat in the floor shaking. I got this sick feeling in my stomach so I got up and stumbled to the bathroom. I sat down on the floor near the toilet.

How could I let this happen. I don't know what to do. What the hell Andy... why do you fuck everything up. He might die and it's your fucking fault. God damnit Andy. I stood up and kicked the wall and punched the stall door. Collapsing on the floor I wrapped my arms around my knees. Andy.why did you do that to him? I began crying loudly.

I took a deep breath and stood up. I went to the mirror and wiped away my tears and eyeliner.

I walked up to the nurses station and took one last deep breath "ma'am, if there's any information on your patient, Ashley Purdy, can you call me?" She nodded and handed me a paper to write down my number.

I sat in the car and thought about what I should do. I called my mom to see if she'd bring me money so I don't have to go home tonight.

*Phone Call*
Mom- hello?
Me- hey mom, can you uh come to the hospital and bring me some money? I promise I'll pay you back.
Mom- I guess Andy. Who's at the hospital?
Me- Ashley uh our next door neighbor.
Mom- okay I'll be there in a few.
Me- thank you so much. Love you
Mom- mkay you too bye.

I headed to McDonald's for something to eat. I parked my car and went in and ordered a double cheese burger and small fries. I was in the middle of eating then someone called me.

*Phone Call*
Me- hello
Nurse- Mr Biersack?
Oh god. Is Ashley okay?
Me- this is he.
Nurse- I Can't Reveal much information over the phone but I think you should get here as soon as possible.

Those words. Soon as possible. I'm Almost Sure Something Bad happend.

I hung up and left right away.
When I arrived to the nurses station I was already crying again. "Hello, it-its Andy.. the one he-re for Ashley." The woman nodded and took me to the waiting room to sit down. "Andy.. um.. your friend, Mr. Purdy, he's in critical condition. He lost a lot of blood. That's not all though. It seems that he had a heart attack so we checked some things out and.. his heart isn't very good." Her phone began to beep "I'll leave you here. I'll be back. They're paging me."

Critical condition. Bad heart. Heart attack. All these words echoed in my head. I put my head down on my hands. I sobbed loudly. "Andy?" I looked up to see my mom and a few people behind her. "Mom!" I said then wiped my eyes. My vision became clear when I saw who was behind her I got pissed "Why the fuck are they here?"

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