Chapter 3

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Ashley's POV:
I woke up and felt a warm body against mine. I opened my eyes and blinked a few times trying to figure out who this guys was that was holding me. Is that Andy? Wait where are we..? Then I felt a sharp pain which made me jerk my arm up and grab onto my head.

Andy mumbled, sat up,and stretched. Turning towards me he smiled and asked "are you okay?" I still had my hand on my head "uh.. yeah I guess. Sorry that I woke you up." He yawned then got up and walked to the counter. He got a cup and went into the bathroom for a second and came back out and extended his hand "here, take these."

I looked at his hand then my eyes went up to his face. He had the most beautiful blue eyes, luscious lips, perfect cheekbones and jawline, and his bed hair. Oh my G-"Ashley?" He said interrupting my thoughts. I shook my head then held out my hand; he dropped the pills in my hand and handed me the cup of water.

He sat on the edge of the bed as I finished my water. "Uh..Andy? What happened? Why are we here?" I asked suspicious. Not that I didn't want to be here with him. I was Just Wondering.

He faced me and sat criss cross "do you not remember what happened?" I shook my head no. "What was the last thing you remember?" He asks me while moving around a little. I sit up and sit a little closer to him. "I remember us in my room.. that's it. Did something happen?"

Andy sighed then said "your foster dad caught us in the Closet and beat you.. you told me to run but I came back.. I couldn't leave you."

I looked down and bit my lip "did he hurt you?" Andy laughed "no I jumped on his back and got him in a choke hold and within a few seconds he was out like a light." I chuckled "wait why were we in the closet?"

He Smirked and said "Because You Said 'I want Privacy While We makeout.'" My cheeks began to heat up and a smile creeped on my face. "I'm just joking. We were hiding from your foster dad-" "his name is James." I said interrupting him. He nodded then leaned back.

He put his hands on the back of his head "Ashley. I have a question.." I got a little nervous "okay what is it?" He began shaking his foot "who's jake?" I raised an eyebrow why does he want to know who Jake is? "He's one of my best friends.. why?" He mumbled "Mmm... no reason. Let's play 20 questions or something."

We played longer than what I thought. Then ended up play truth or dare. We did dumb dares like licking the wall, eating something gross, doing prank calls and stuff like that. Before We Knew it, it was Already 2 am. School started at 7. "We better be getting to sleep" he said while getting under the covers. I covered up on the other side. Craving the warmth that I had this morning I whispered to him "Andy..can you scoot near me more." a second later I felt his warm arms around me and his breath on my shoulder. "Goodnight Ashley." He mumbled into my ear. "Goodnight Andy" we fell asleep shortly after.

Andy's POV :
I woke up around 6 and looked over to Ashley. He was still asleep but was facing me. I moved his hair out of his eyes and rubbed my thumb on the side of his face then got up to take a shower. I washed my body and hair then wrapped a towel around my waist. I started to brush my teeth then my towel ended up falling. I bent down to pick it up and the door opened. Ashley's eyes got really wide and I was slightly embarrassed. "Oh my fuck. I'm sorry Andy." He yelled and closed the door. I hurried up and got dressed, did my hair and a little bit of makeup.

"The bathrooms all yours." I said as I walked out. He looked a little sad. I don't know why he would be. I just decided to shake that off and finish getting ready.

He came out with a "Hello Titty" (cover pic for this part) shirt and I giggled. "Really Andy?" He started laughing. "Why did you pick up this shirt?" I Shook My Head "I sowey. I just grabbed clothes and threw them in a bag. Anyways are you ready to go?" I stood up and grabbed my keys and backpack he said "I guess."

While we were in the car I looked over at Ashley. Ever since this morning it's like something was wrong with him. I sighed and pulled into Starbucks. "What's wrong Ashley?" I asked while taking off my seat belt.

"It's just...uh.. what happened to your back and stomach?" He asked a little nervously while looking down. "Oh.. well.. my dad and James has a lot in common-" Ashley looked up "he beats you?" He whispered. I shook my head. It got silence then he moved and looked at me again.

"What About your thighs and arms..I didn't mean to look this morning but I saw marks and I got worried.." I bit my lip. I really didn't want to answer that. "Well.. It's just I.. Um-" he layed his hand on my leg. "It's going to be okay. When Did you do it last?" I thought for a few minutes then mumbled "the 10th" he took a second "so you're 5 days clean.. keep it up. I'm here if you want to talk and hang out. Even during school. Not many people like me."

I smiled at him "thanks Ashley. You too." and we drove to school.

"Take your seat. We have a new student. Welcome Andy Biersack. Hes from Ohio. Andy take a seat wherever you'd like." I turned to the back and saw Ashley. My cheeks began to heat up as i walked to the seat by ash.

Then some girl pushed me down "sit here beside me. I'm juliet." She giggled. "Hi. But I'd rather sit over there actually." I said while getting up. A tall guy that sat by her yelled at me "SIT DOWN ANDY. WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO SIT BY HIM." I sat down quickly. He terrified me.

"So why do you wanna sit by the fag over there? Remember wrong answer and I'll kick your ass." That made me start to shake so I just sat there quietly until the bell rung. Before the bell rung the guy, Jason, told me to walk with them and that if I didn't make fun of Ashley then he'd beat me up. I was so scared. I didn't want to hurt Ashley but I also didn't want a beating.

Ashley's POV :
I heard small parts of their conversation. They were calling me a fag and shit like that. Andy didn't say anything though. I could tell he was scared. After The bell rung I walked Up to him. "Andy?" I said and put my hand on his shoulder. He jerked back "leave me alone." Woah.. that hurt. "But Andy? " I said trying to get his attention. "Stop Ashley. Leave me the fuck alone. Why don't you just get away from me" He yelled then walked off with Jason. Juliet ran up to me called me a fag then ran and held Andy's hand.

My chest Tightened up. Why would Andy say that to me? I walked into the janitors closet and skipped lunch. I pulled up the ceiling and got a bottle of whisky out. This Was My Special stash. No one has found it in the past 3 years.

I sat down and my vision got blurry, tears were coming down before I knew it. "How could he do that to me.. i thought we were friends." my phone Started Vibrating. Jake was calling me because it was Already time for 4th period and I wasn't in there. I turned my phone off then remembered what I had in the back of the phone.

I took off the back cover and saw my metal friend. I hadn't used this in a week. I was trying to break the habit but i dont know. This really hurts me.

I took off my pants and raised up my boxers. Looking at the paleish looking cuts, I pressed the cold metal against my skin and I ran it across fast until they filled up my whole thigh. Making each cut deeper and longer than the last I flinched at the pain. Blood Gushed out and I Began To feel cold. I still cried out "why.. why doesn't he like me. Why did he change?" Then there was a knock at the Door. Blood had covered the whole floor and some went into the hallway.

"Let me in Ashley." I heard a voice like Andy's say but I passed out before opening the door.

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