Chapter 7

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Ashley's POV:
Jake was helping me in the house when I glanced at Andy. He had some kind of bottle in his hand but i didn't pay too much attention because I didn't want him to know i was looking at him.. I care about Andy, but I feel like he doesn't give a shit about me. It hurts me to ignore him.. but then again, Isn't that what he wants?

Jake sat me down on the couch and looked at me for a second. "do you want me to spend the night?" He asked while getting me pillows. "Nah" I said. I really need time to think about Andy. "Alright. Well be good Ash. If you need one of us, call." I nodded. He headed towards the door.

Jakes POV :
I was terrified to leave Ashley alone after CC told me everything that happened the other day and the stuff with Andy.. I really think Andy is a nice guy, he's just afraid of things. I Also think He makes Ashley happy- well did anyways. I walked back and sat down beside Ashley.

"You like Andy.. and I can tell you still do.. I want you to be happy and I know that he makes you happy. I seriously think you should talk to him soon" I paused waiting for a reaction but got nothing so I Continued "and another thing. We all know how stubborn you are but sometimes you have to suck it up okay?" He nodded. "I know Jake it's just-" I cut him off "no excuses. He may not have stuck up for you that one day but he stuck up for you and CC today. Then he said something along the lines that he's not afraid of losing anything else because he already lost something so special to him - well something like that.i can't fully remember But what I'm trying to say is.." I took a deep breath "Ashley, the boy likes you. He really does if he didn't then why would he have spent the night at the hospital and waited till he could talk to you?." He leaned back and shook his head. We sat in silence for a few minutes then I got a text from jinxx.

Jinxx: babyyyy come home. I miss you

"Jinxx ?" Ashley asked nodding towards my phone. I shook my head yeah. "Well Ashley I better go. I love you dude." I got up and hugged him "love you too" he said as I left.

Ashley's POV :
I kept thinking about Andy. That's all that crossed my mind. His beautiful blue eyes. Black hair. His tattoos. The way he does his makeup. His laugh. Oh and his cute smile. Just ev- I heard an engine so I got up and looked outside. Andy's dad was leaving in his car.I sighed to myself. Ashley go. Go to Andy's and accept his apology. Better yet you apologize he didn't really force you to do anything. It's your chance he's home alone. Just go.

Andy's POV :
"Bye faggot" Chris yelled as he left to go to the bar. "Perfect" I whispered. I have the whole house to myself because my mom was at work.

I was finishing up the letters to everyone. Only Ashley's had the most, even though it wasn't much. All the others said "I'm glad I had you in my life. I'm sorry I decided to do this. It's for the best"

I looked over at my phone and tried to text Ashley one more time. Just one text that says he forgives me and I'll be here another day. So I decided to message him.

me- hey Ashley.. I know you hate me but I just want you to know that I'm really sorry..

I didn't know if I should tell him that I loved him. We still barely know each other. I almost told him I did when he was in the hospital but he wouldn't let me. My phone vibrated interrupting my thoughts.

Ashley's POV :
I read the text from Andy. I wanted to say that I forgave him but then again I kinda want him to beg me. I know I'm fucked up. I didn't really know what to put so I just said

Me- yeah whatever Biersack

I waited a few minutes and he never texted back.

Andy's POV:
One simple fucking text hurt me so bad. I can't believe I fucked up this horrible. I didn't cry but I felt my heart break into a million pieces. I've never been this hurt - other than when I saw Ashley in the janitors closet. But, I guess it's time to do it. I stood up and went into my closet.

Ashley's POV :
I'm going insane. I can't stop thinking about Andy. I tried watching a movie but that didn't help much. Maybe I should go over there. No stop Ashley. If he wanted you he'd come get you. I thought for a few more minutes and decided to call him. I called him 4 times and it went to voice mail. Maybe he didn't hear his phone? I put on my boots and walked over there.

I got to the door and froze, I was afraid that he wouldn't answer it. I took a deep breath and mumbled "here goes nothing." And knocked once then waited. No answer. So I knocked again. Still no answer. I wiggled the handle and it opened. Which sort of suprised me. I walked into to the living room "Andy?" I yelled out.. no answer. I decided to see if he'd be upstairs. "Andy?" I hollered again opening what I assume is his parents room. Which was empty.

I got to the last door in the hallway and opened it. I stepped inside and walked to his bed. Out the corner of my eye I saw notes on the desk. The first one had my name on it "dear Ashley" I skimmed through the note then I began to shake. "Oh my god. This is a suicide note. Andy?! Where are you?" I looked around the room and saw a closet. I checked it because I'd rather be safe than sorry. But, I was never prepared to see this.

"Andy!" I screamed out with tears rushing down my face. I Held him while Hitting the Pole in his closet multiple times until it finally broke. He Collapsed on top of me. I hurried up and untied the rope from his neck. I wiped my eyes and put strands of his hair behind his ear. His lips were blue and his skin was more pale then ever before. I cried louder and tightened my grip. "ANDY PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME" I cried out. "PLEASE BE OKAY. I'M SO SORRY." "PLEASE GOD HELP ME. I CAN'T LOSE YOU. I CAN'T FUCKING LOSE YOU ANDY." I cradled his lifeless body in my arms and screamed as loud as I could begging for this to be a dream. Begging for him to be okay.

Jinxx's POV :
"So did you talk to him?" I asked as I Grabbed Jakes hips. "Yeah I'm sure he will talk to him tonight " jake said then bit his lip which excited me a little. "Babe you know I love and hate it when you bite your lip." I smirked. He had an evilish grin "oh I know." He leaned in and kissed me gently. Then his phone started playing Ashley's ring tone so he pulled away to answer it.

Ashley's POV:
I dialed Jinxx's number but I started having a panic attack. I was short of breath and couldn't think straight. "Ashley?"I heard jinxx say before I dropped the phone. I tried to calm down but got light headed and passed out with Andy in my arms

Don't hate me. There is more chapters. Does Andy survive? Come back as a ghost/angel? Does Ashley just move on? Keep reading I swear you won't be disappointed. Sorry that this chapters bad.

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