Chapter 13

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*before leaving the meet and greet*

Jakes POV :
"I'm going to be honest.. I think our relationship should just be us.. we shouldn't mess with cc anymore. Okay jinxx? we have to tell him that we are getting married soon" I kind of was a little upset. I mean, yeah the threesome was fun but I want jinxxy to myself. He nodded and gave me a kiss "okay babe." We interlaced our fingers and walked to the bus.

*half way home, on the tour bus*

Ashley's POV :
I cuddled up to Andy on the couch. "I wonder who that crazy psycho was?" Andy grabbed my hand and kissed it gently "don't worry about it Ashley."

Jake came from the bunks and stared at us then smiled. "Yall are finally dating?" he asked. I blushed and buried my face into Andy's side while Andy said "yes." Jake ran up and gave us high fives "well I have some news also." Jinxx walked in and gave him a kiss. "We're getting married!" Jake screamed. Andy and I congratulated them.

Andy wanted to go home so that we could be alone so he went and asked how long it'd be.

"Ughhhh 15 minutes." He said then collapsed near me. "Hey Jakey I'll be back I Need to go clean up my bunk" jinxx said as he walked behind the curtain.

CC's POV :
I layed down once we got to the busses. I started getting a huge crush on jake and jinxx. No cc stop. They're happy together. I kept repeating that in my head I moved my pillow and grabbed my bag full of coke. I made a line on my finger.

But then jinxx opened my curtain. "Uh... may I help you?" I said trying to act innocent even though it was obvious that I was about to do something. Jinxx sat down "awww CC.. what do we have here?" He said gesturing towards the zip lock bag. "Please don't tell! I'll do anything." He smirked when I said anything.

He moved the bag and sat closer beside me. "I won't... as long as you don't tell about this." He moved his hand up to my face then pulled me into a kiss. Should I do this? Does jake know? My feelings took over and I kissed him back. Shortly turned into a hot makeout session. We were both breathing heavy. I pressed him back and got on top of him.

"Jinxx babe- oh my fucking god!" I heard jake yell from behind me. I jumped off and Jinxx looked at him "jake I'm sorry it-" a tear fell from Jinxx's eyes. "No save it! I thought you fucking loved me Jeremy.. it's over. We're done. Don't come to my house tonight." I started to say something then he pointed at me "CC you can go fuck yourself" He stomped off crying. Jinxx began crying And Grabbed his bag. "Time to go!" I heard Andy yell.

I ran out of the bus and up the street to my house. I slammed the door and began crying. "Why are you so god damn stupid!" I yelled and punched the door. I slid down the Wall and slammed my head back causing a hole. I grabbed my lighter "you worthless piece of shit" I mumbled. I lit a joint and took a puff. Then stuck the lit end to my arm causing me to flinch and pull back. "Why do you ruin everything!"

Jakes POV :
I got in my car and drove home. I cried so hard that i couldn't see. It began to rain and my windshield wipers wouldn't work. "God damnit" I mumbled. I couldn't focus on the road i just keep remembering the image of jinxx and CC kissing.

Andy's POV :
I walked up to jinxx after CC and jake ran past us. "What happened?" He turned around with red eyes and tear stained cheeks "lo-long story short... I did something that I shouldn't have..."He broke down and starting crying again. Ashley walked up to him "it's okay jinxx. Come to our house and explain everything.

We got into Jinxx's car and he drove to our house. See this is the good thing, all the boys moved out but, Ashley and I decided to still live together. We sat in the backseat and I held his hand.

When we walked in the house Ashley ordered some pizza he came back and sat in my lap. "So what's the problem?" He asked. Jinxx took a deep breath. "The other night.. Jake proposed to me. I said yes then we went to the strip club to get CC. He was drunk and we decided to do a few shots-" "awh dude you didn't fuck him did you?" Ashley interrupted. I bit his shoulder trying to get him to shut up. He did a little scream then got quiet. "So.. we did shots then we all went back to CCs room... we um were pretty wasted and one thing led to another and we had a threesome.. then uh.. earlier today jake said that he wants to tell CC that we're getting married and that we won't be doing anything with him.. I said okay but when I went to the bunks.. I ended up making out with CC then jake came in." He began crying. I looked at Ashley not knowing what to do. "Um.. did yall say it was ever okay?" He shook his head "yeah he said it was then changed his mind. I'm so horrible .. Whyd I do this" He cried and rocked himself. Ashley got up and pat his back "it's okay jinxx.. we will figure out a way to solve this."

There was a knock at the door. I expected it to be the pizza guy so I grabbed some money and walked to the door. To my suprise it was a policeman. "Um officer?" I said. He asked to step in. I stepped aside.

He walked into the living room and put his hands in his pocket, "are you guys friends with Christian Coma or Jacob Pitts?" My heart dropped. "Uh yeah" Ashley said standing up.

"Well we have some bad news.."

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