Chapter 9

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Little smut warning bruh.

Ashley's POV :
I got to go home the next day. Andy helped me in the house and stayed the night since my foster parents wasn't going to be home. We were watching batman while the phone started ringing. I answered it. "Yes, hello Mr. Purdy? We're sorry to inform you that your mom and dad had a car wreck." I looked over at Andy "are-are you serious? Where are they at? When can I see them?" I asked in shock. The woman sighed "no Mr. can't see them. They didn't Survive. They lost alot of blood an-" I threw the phone causing it to shatter. First my real parents now my foster parents. Although I shouldn't care that much, it still hurts. Andy wrapped his arms around me and whispered "hey, calm down. What happened?" I told him what the woman said. He tightened his hug and rocked me trying to calm me down. It worked and I fell asleep in his arms.

The next morning i woke up and he was snoring. I laughed at how cute he was. I never told him that i liked him and he never told me. I just wish it was easy to explain your feelings.

While he was asleep I was going to see if he'd want to live in the house with me but I didn't know how to ask. He woke up and I went to the kitchen "so.. since this is my house now. Do you and the guys want to live here? We could all live together and work in the studio- that is if you like to sing. Me, Jake, Jinxx, and CC kinda made a band but we don't have a name or singer." Andy's eyes lit up "dude that'd be awesome! I'd love to and I have the perfect name. I've written a few songs too. Contact the guys and see what they say and how they feel about the name Black Veil Brides."

*2 years later, on tour*
Andy's POV:
Everyone was in the 'living room' area except Ashley. "Is he still sleeping?" I asked. CC yelled "yup he never wakes up!" So I stood up and walked back to his bunk.

"Ashley!" I yelled shaking him. He wouldn't move so I hit the top of his head. "Ow! Fuck" he shouted while holding his head. I giggled at him "Wake up we have to go in an hour."

He got up and walked the same direction as me so he could go change in the bathroom. But the bus slammed on the brakes and caused me to fall and Ashley to fall on me. I Looked At him And I rembered my huge crush That I had on Him. His eyes got big and just stared into mine then he stood up embarrassed. "Sorry uh.. Andy." He said then walked into the bathroom.

I stayed on the floor. I haven't thought about Ashley like that in forever. Should I tell him that I Like him? Does he know? I wiped my eyes and got up.

I looked At my phone and realized that CC's birthday was tomorrow. I Walked in on jake and Jinxx making out. When they saw me they jerked back quickly and blushed. "Alright love birds go get cc a cake before Tonight." I said laughing at how awkward the situation was.

I was walking back to my bunk when Ashley Came out in a towel. "Hope he doesn't slam on the breaks again" he said laughing nervously. I let out a chuckle and told him what we were doing for CC tonight. He nodded and started to get dressed. I was staring at him without noticing "um Andy..." He said making my eyes dart up to his face "oh.. ha sorry" I climbed in my bunk and closed the curtain.

Jinxx pov:
I held Jakes hand and walked into the bakery "so what kind of cake should we get him, Jakey?" I asked, swinging his hand. "Um white cake with butter cream icing. That's what he usually likes." He said. I went and sat down then jake returned with the cake. "Come on babe let's go back to the bus."

We walked to the bus and hid the cake. Right before CC came running in with 6 bottles of whiskey. "Really CC?" Andy said laughing "That's too much." CC and Ashley shook their head "Nope never too much" Ashley said grabbing one.

Andys POV :
I took the bottle from him "wait till after the show." He sighed then said "Alright."

*almost the end of the show*
"Alright mother fuckers! How yall liking the show so far?!" Everyone screamed. "Okay this song is the last one. It's called IN THE END!"

We finished singing in the end then i screamed into the mic "okay! One more suprise.-" I walked off stage and grabbed the cake "Tomorrow is our drummers birthday. So let's all fucking sing happy Birthday to CC!"

Ashley's POV :
CC came and stood beside Andy. I cut the cake and gave him a huge bite. We were all laughing and having fun. After they finished singing Andy leaned over and kissed CC. This actually hurt Me alot but I tried to smile to hide my feelings. We all got off stage and I headed to the tour bus. When I walked in I grabbed one of the bottles of whiskey and chugged it down. I haven't had whiskey in a year. I finish the bottle and got a little dizzy and dropped it "woopssy" I giggled and opened another chugging it 1/4th of the way down. "Drink to not feel" I kept thinking.

Andy's POV :
"Hey guys where's Ashley?" I said grabbing a water from the fridge. They all Shrugged. "Eh he's going to miss the cake! By the way thanks guys" CC yelled.
Jinxx passed out The cake. I leaned back and took a bite. "Mm.. wait? Did he seem a little upset to you guys?" I asked. They shook their head no. "I'll be back I'm going to go look for him." I stood up and walked out to the tour bus, knowing he probably got into the whiskey.

CC's POV :
After Andy left I sat down near jake. "Guys. Do you think Ash got jealous when Andy kissed me? They obviously have liked each other since senior year. Why don't they date?" Jinxx started talking "because they don't want to admit it. They're blind and don't see that they love each other. They've been through alot together. Maybe Soon They'll Date or Something."

Andy's POV:
I walked in and saw Ashley taking a long drink of whiskey. there was a broken bottle In front of him. "Ashley stop." I grabbed the bottle from him. "But Andyyy, you said I could drink afterrr da show." He said with a cute smile, obviously pretty drunk. "if I can't drink it you drink it." He smirked. I looked at the whiskey, then put it to my lips and chugged it down. I never drink because I get drunk easy. He grabbed another bottle and opened it, whispering in my ear "here have another." I chugged it down and looked at him. I felt pretty drunk. I Couldn't Think Striaght I kept thinking about how Hot he looked right now. Craving his beautiful lips on me.. He giggled "You're cute Andy." He got up to my ear "Ya know.. I've always had a huge crush on you." I turned to him and looked him in the eyes. He closed them and leaned into me and kissed my lips gently.

I helped him sit on my lap not breaking the kiss. He opened his mouth and we fought for dominance. He won and explored my mouth he pulled away and kissed my jaw and nibbled on my neck finding my sweet spot. I moaned. And started rubbing myself. I un- buckled my belt and started jerking off. "Mmm" Ashley said when he saw my 'little friend' he then started making out with me again, taking my dick in his own hand.

Damn they drunk af. Haha serious chapter to this. So more smut or nah? XD Comment/vote

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