Chapter 6

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Andy's POV :
After i ate I laid down and managed to get a few minutes of sleep. Tina shook me and woke me up "Andy, you can go see Ashley for a little bit if you'd like." I sat up and stretched then followered her to Ashley's room. His Left Arm Was wrapped up A Little And his head was. I guess He hit his head when he passed out. It was all a blur to me.. all i know is that there was a lot of blood.

The nurse left us alone so I walked up near his bed

"Ashley I'm so sorry I-" he cut me off "you know Andy.. all I want is honesty. If you didn't want to be my friend and stuff why didn't you tell me." I took a deep breath trying to pull myself together "no Ashley you don't understand" I grabbed his hand but he jerked it away. "no Andy.. I do understand. Why are you even here? Why don't you just go with juliet. You seem much happier with her anyways." He rolled his eyes and I sighed "Ashley you mean the world to me i lo-" "save it Andy. Just Leave." He turned his head and I walked out of the room. I looked back and a tear slipped down my face.

I ran out and got into my car. The tears and bad thoughts began. Now he hates me. I can't deal with him hating me. He's the best thing that's been in my life. Why don't I just die. I need him in my life. I'm so sorry. I cried all the way home.

When I walked in the house Chris greeted me at the top of the Stairs "Hey there dumbass" he scoffed. I ignored him and went to my room. Moments later he walked in.

"Incase you didn't know I was talking to you bastard...Answer me or I'll punch you in the face." I sat there quietly begging for him to. I deserve this. I deserve any form of abuse after what I did to Ashley. He came up and punched me twice then left the room. My mom came in once he was downstairs.

"Oh my god Andy are you okay? I'm sorry I wish I could stop all this-" I looked up and noticed she had a busted lip. "I'm fine. I deserve this but you don't." I sighed and stood up sort of angry. Walking towards the Door "no Andy don't.please dont he will hurt you more" My mom begged for me to stay. But i didn't listen

I walked into the living room "Hey prick if you want to hit someone don't take it out on my mom." He laughed, obviously he was drunk. He stood up and got close to me "really? You came back for more?" He jerked me up and threw me against the wall and kicked me repeatedly in the stomach. Every kick I kept mumbling "I deserve this" he then stopped and spat on me then went to his room.

My mom came running down the stairs "oh Andy. I'm so sorry" she cried. I pushed her away and crawled up to my room.

I sat in the corner cradling myself. I hurt Ashley. I need to be hurt more. I can't live without him I can't. I cried myself to sleep.

The next day I went to school and had to sit by Juliet and Jason. CC walked in and sat where Ashley usually sits. Before the class started cc Gave me mean looks which made me feel worse.

"-right Andy?" Jason said poking me. "What'd you say? I zoned out." I replied looking away from CC "I said look, it's great the emo fag isn't here but it got placed with another one. Isn't that horrible?" He said this really loud so CC could hear. I looked over at cc and coild tell he heard him. CC got a little uncomfortable and looked away and I muttered "no not right." Jason laughed "uh excuse me? What'd you say ballsack?"

I stood up "yeah call me ballsack because I'm the only one that can stick up to a bully like you. By the way what is this? 5th grade. Calling me ballsack doesn't offend me. Also, Listen here mother fucker Ashley isn't an emo fag and neither is CC." Jason stood up "awh look who decided to grow a pair. Where is the little fag at? Andy you know what you should do-" I cut him off "no Jason you know what you can do? Mind your mother fucking business and go fuck yourself."i yelled then grabbed my stuff and left the classroom.

CC ran up to me "thanks for defending me dude" he said. "No problem." I muttered walking to the doors so I could leave. "Andy.. I know what happened with you and Ashley. I can talk to him if you want." I stopped and looked at him "CC he hates me. I should've never done what Jason told me to." I sniffled and wiped my eyes. "But wait.whyd you stand up to him today if you're afraid of getting beaten?" CC asked. "You see my eye? It's swollen and under the makeup its bruised so is my stomach. I don't care if I get beat up anymore. I'm not afraid of anything anymore I done lost the one thing that I was afraid of losing..." I walked past CC and got into my car. Driving home with the radio loud.

CC's POV :
"I'm not afraid of anything anymore I done lost the one thing that I was afraid of losing." Those words repeated in my head then it clicked. "Oh my god. Hes in love With Ashley."I Mumbled in amazement. I met up with jake and Jinxx and told them everything that happened. They didn't even know Ashley was in the hospital.

Andy's POV :
I stopped at my uncles liquor market.he gave me some whiskey then I left. I drank some then started driving home. When I got home jake was outside of Ashley's house helping him in. I got out of the car and took another big gulp of whiskey and walked up to my room. "Tonight's the night" I mumbled. I looked through my drawer for a piece of paper and a pen.

"Dear Ashley,
I don't want to live not being able to love you. So I'm not going to anymore. Sorry for all the pain I caused you.

Holy fucking shit. Will he do it? Will Ashley stop him? What Is going to happen. Vote / comment / like

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