Chapter 12

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Hey guys, so I finished my other book Right Guy, Wrong Time. It's an Ashley fan fic. I'd appreciate it if you go check it out :)

Andy's POV :
We had a meet and greet in the mall today. I looked in Jakes and Jinxx's bunk but they were empty. Then i looked in CC's, his hasn't been touched either. So I walked over to Ashley's bunk and he had one leg sticking out. I opened his curtain and saw a little shiny razor on the edge of his bed. I looked down at his arm and saw 3 new fresh cuts. I couldn't help but to blame myself. I threw the razor away and went back to his bunk. I climbed on top of him and kissed his lips. He soon responded,opened his eyes and kissed back. I Pulled away and he smiled. His smile was so beautiful.

"What was that for?" He asked then bit his lip trying to hide his smile. "I-i.. I love you Ashley. I don't want anything to hurt you. I want to be with you." I smiled and kissed his forehead. He scooted over so I could lay down near him and cuddle. "So.. are we official now?" He asked and looked at me with his sparkling eyes. I kissed his lips then pulled away "will you be my boyfriend?" He smiled really big "it'd be my pleasure."

*last night*
Jinxx's POV :
After jake proposed, obviously I said yes, we headed to the strip club to get CC. "Hey guyssss" he screamed. We walked towards him. A new song changed and he raised his hands up and started shaking his hips like a belly dancer. Me and Jake started laughing. "Come on guys" he grabbed our hands and walked to the bar. "Let's do shots!"He yelled. "No cc you're too drunk" I said shaking my head. "Nuuuuu. You guys do shots thennn!" I looked at jake and he shrugged "let's do some" he said with a smile.

An hour later CC, Jake, and I stumbled into CC's room. "Stay." He Pouted. So we sat down. CC took off his shirt and pants and was only wearing boxers now. He sat on me and looked at Jake. "Let's have some fun" he said. He unbuttoned Jakes pants and started stroking his boner. He looked at me and pressed his lips onto mine and I kissed back. Jake unzipped my pants and looked at CC. They switched positions except Jake was on the floor.

He obviously gave jinxx a blow job and they had a threesome. I'm not going to go into that because idk how yall feel about smut. xD. Leave a 1 in the comments if you're okay with full out, detailed smut. Leave a 2 if you're okay with a little.

I woke up with a Terrible headache. I looked over and kissed Jake. To my suprise it was actually CC. I jumped and scared him. Jake shot up and looked over at me. Our mouths dropped open. We looked Under the Covers and we were all naked. The worse thing was.. although I loved jake, I'm starting to develop a crush on CC.

CC was in the middle and shifted his body awkwardly. "Do yall remember what happened last night?" He asked then stretched. Jake nodded "I do.. we went to go get you at the strip club and we all got drunk... came back here and.. you know." He got so embarrassed saying the last part. CC had a sad look on his face. "Don't hate me guys.. I'm sorry." I exchanged looks with jake then smirked "actually CC.. we enjoyed it." Jake blushed And CC smiled. "I don't want to get into details but uh.. was I good? I've never done that stuff before." Jake stopped blushing and got confident "pretty good for your first time. If you want to practice sometime.. we can't teach you a few things." I glanced at the clock "we have a meet and greet.. let's get ready" I said.

Ashley's POV :
I'm so lucky to have Andy. I kissed his head and layed my head on his chest. His phone rang "hey Ashy.. it's time to get ready." I groaned then said okay. I didn't want this moment to end.

We started to get dressed. I looked down at my wrists and saw my cuts. Damnit. I put on a long sleeved shirt and a few bracelets to hide it. Andy came out in a white Hawaiian looking short sleeve shirt. He hugged me from behind and layed his head in the crook of my neck. He left tiny pecks around my neck then pulled away. I turned around and faced him. He smiled really big "you know Mr. Purdy... you smell really good" I laughed "thanks Mr. Biersack." I leaned up and pecked his cheek.
During the meet and greet we would hold hands under the table. My phone rang so I walked to the corner. A Fangirl Followed. "She stood there staring At me until I got off the phone. "May I help you?" I asked her politely. She pinned Me against the wall and kissed me. I pushed her back "STOP. I'M WITH SOMEONE!" I yelled and pushed her out of my way. I walked back to the table a little mad. Andy looked at me and whispered "what is it honey?" I shook my head "I'll tell you later."

40 minutes later I walked to the bathroom and rinsed my face. That same Damn girl walked in. "Uh.. you do realize that this is a men's restroom." She shrugged and walked closer. "So why don't you like me? Is it because you're a whore and you only like whores?" She asked with an evil grin. She walked towards me slowly "I uh.." Then Andy came in. "Ashey are you okaaa- uh..hello?" He asked a little confused. I ran over to Andy. "Oh so you two are a thing?" The girl smirked again. "It'd be ashamed if.. oh I don't know.. if something happened to you or the whore." She smiled then left. I looked up at Andy and began shaking. He hugged me tight "it's okay baby. Nothing will happen to us." He pecked my lips and we headed back to the table.

Little update because I'm starting school tomorrow -.- I'm going to try to update atleast once every week.but this story won't be as long as Right Guy, Wrong Time so yeah. :) anyways leave me feedback. -Much love
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Instagram: shadows.never.die, meganchowning,

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