Chapter 8

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°please read bolded print at the end°

*3 weeks later*
Ashley's POV :
"You healed pretty quick Ashley. Only 3 weeks and your wrist is all better. Hitting that closet pole could've done worse damage. You got lucky though. Now I have to do an examination." I sighed and started removing my shirt and pants. He wasLooking at every inch of my body. "Uh Ashley.. remove the bandanas and bracelets" he said tugging at them. I took them off. "Ashley.. I told you that you needed to stay clean. Doesn't the antidepressants help?" I Shook My Head no. "Then you aren't taking them right. Those are the best kind. You have to take the-" I interrupted "yeah yeah I know. Two in the morning with water. I do that but it doesnt-" "Ashley, stop making excuses. Tomorrow we will be by to take you to the ridge for help." I got kind of mad. I got dressed and stormed off.

I walked out to the waiting room and dialed Jinxx's number to come and get me. 20 minutes later he beeped the horn. I walked over and got in the car.

"So where you wanna go?" He asked me while pulling out onto the street. "eh I don't care. Home? That'd be good." i said with an attitude. Jinxx nodded "Alright I'll take you home. But we're hanging out tomorrow" he said taking his eyes off the road to glance at me. "Alright" I mumbled.

He Dropped me off At My House. I went into the living room waiting for my foster mom or dad to come home. They haven't been home since I was in the hospital. "Guess it's another night alone" I said walking to the fridge. I got me some Coldcock whiskey and walked up to my room.

I grabbed the bottle of antidepressants that I've been taking for 2 and a half weeks and read on the bottle "do not mix with alcohol" I laughed and threw 2 in my mouth, threw the bottle, and chugged the whiskey. Not like they help anyways. I sat down in the corner wondering why my life was like this. Why can't I just be happy. Or better yet why can't I just die? If someone killed me I'd thank them for actually doing it. You know, if it was possible.

I stared blankly at the wall with sudden flashbacks of the past month and a half. Me almost dying.. me not forgiving Andy when he did nothing wrong. I suddenly lost it when I had flashbacks of Andy. "HE DID NOTHING FUCKING WRONG. IT'S ALL MY FAULT. ALL MY FAULT.-" I stood up and slammed my fist on the lamp causing blood and glass to splatter everywhere "-all my fault.." I mumbled to myself while crying. I slid down the Wall and slammed my head back "it's all my fault. It's all my fault." I cried uncontrollably then started to hyperventilate. My heart began Pounding really fast and I could barely breathe. I texted jinxx to come get me.

When he arrived my chest pains had already increased from a 2 to an 8. I began clutching my chest as he picked me up panicking. Rushing me into his car. I blacked out as soon as we got to the hospital.

"Hey babe." I heard Andy's Angelic voice say. My eyes lit up when I saw him. I hugged him tight "I missed you so much." He kissed my forehead. "I know.. I miss you too Ash." he sat down beside me. "Whyd you do it Andy?" I asked raising an eyebrow. "Same reason why you almost did. Because I can't live without you. I didn't want to Ashley. You're My whole life. I - I love you Ash.." He stuttered a little then hid his face. I touched him gently feeling his warmth "Andy I'm so sorry" tears slid down my face. "I love you too. I just.. i didn't know how you'd feel." He looked up and held my hand "if I didn't love you or at least like you, do you think I'd go through all that shit for you?" I layed my head on his chest, my tears staining his skin "Andy please come back.. I need you. The boys need you. Why Didn't I Die instead Of you?" He Caressed my face "because.. it wasn't your time to pass times been long over due." "Wait does that mean I'm dead now? I see you, I can touch you and everything?" I asked very confused. "No Ashley. You're not dead. You went into a coma. See. I'll show you." I grabbed his hand and we stood up off the bed. I saw myself lifeless on the bed hooked up to machines "So wait.. I won't get to see you anymore unless I'm almost dead?" Andy hugged me "That's up to you Ashley. You have to be careful about your decisions." He leaned forward and I met him half way. When our lips touched he vanished.

I began seeing my self move so I got back in the spot. I gained full control of my body. My head hurts so bad though. I looked at my arms and they were wrapped up a little so was my head.

Andy came into the room and walked up to my bed "Ashley I'm so sorry I-" I cut him off by jerking up and grabbing him. I began crying. "Ashley I don't understand.. I'm the reason why you're in here." I wiped my eyes "wait how are you the reason?" Andy looked at me confused "um.. don't you remember. I yelled at you and caused you to almost die. I found you in the janitors closet" he stopped, waiting for me to respond.

Wait what? I never recovered from that and he never killed himself.. tha-at was all a dream? Andy stood there confused so i started asking questions "wait so you didn't kill yourself?" His eyes got big. Dumb question Ashley. "No" he replied. "It was all just a dream!" I yelled, crying a little louder. "Andy I missed you so much!" He hugged me back "I missed you too Ashley." He said sniffling.

Please read below.
So everything that happened was a dream. When Ashley "woke up" he didn't actually wake up. It was him seeing how wrong his choices could have been and how it would impact his future. It's kind of a wakeup call that words do hurt and no matter how mad you are the other person could be sensitive. Hope you're enjoying especially this chapter. Many more to come. Interact with me Vote/comment/share

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