Chapter 2: I Hate You...But i need your help

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Hiccup PROV
"I hate ya" I heard Merida say angrily as she walked out of the Principal's office "I hate you more" I said back "I hate ye most" Merida's voice started to fill with more anger "ok ok you two, don't kill each other" Punzie said "relax Punz you know they love each other" Jack said will an evil smirk "SHUT UP JACK!" Me and Merida yelled in unison "Come on Hic" Jack said, I noticed something weird when Jack turned around, he flashed a flirty smile at Elsa, Merida's very very very shy friend, I left with Jack and went home
Merida's PROV
I got to the coffee shop where my mom was sitting down and my dad was in the back "hi mum"
"Um Merida, we need to talk"
"Ok, shoot" I replied a little nervous "um, the coffee shop is...well it's...gonna...its gonna close" my eyes got so big I thought they would pop out of my head "Unless we get 5 grand" I was still frozen "I...I have to go...bye" I said as I ran out the door and jumped on my bike
I rode as fast as I could until I saw a glimpse of a poster,it read
It was a 5 stage singing competition and people get eliminated in it, I could win...but not by myself...damn I knew who I needed to win...I needed Hiccup
Hi guys, so I promise the next chapter will be Jelsa,SO I am keeping my promise even though the Mericcup things on a cliff hanger so both of them might not be in the next chapter, also sorry if u like Jelsa more than Mericcup because there is more Mericcup in this book but don't worry still a Jelsa story❄️
Anyways I gtg bye my wisp
P.S: sorry if the chapter was short😔

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