5 Years Forward

391 20 7

Merida's POV
I was being lifted onto a platform, I was use to it by now but alway a little scared I was gonna fall off of it. Soon enough I was on the stage bright lights fans screaming and Hiccup's voice in the mic "NEW YORK HOW WE FEELING TONIGHT?" I heard him say into the mic. A series of screams came from the crowd, that was a sound I actually enjoyed. I loved hearing our fans at concerts. I figured I should tag along since I was now on stage with Hiccup "I CANT HERE YOU" I said into the mic. More screams came from the crowd this time louder. "OUR LAST SONG THAT WE ARE GONNA BE SINGING FOR U IS A COVER OF THE SONG ITS ALWAYS A GOOD TIME BY OWL CITY, ENJOY!!"
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"THANK YOU NEW YORK!!!" Me and Hiccup both said into the mic and we ran off stage. Once we were off stage we met up with Elsa and Jack "I don't care if it will help your business  Mr we will not advertise for cigarettes!" Elsa said into her Bluetooth and hung up "What was that about?" I asked wile opening a water bottle "Some idiot wants you and Hic to advertised for cigarettes, and of course I said no." Elsa was now our manager and man was she good at it. "Get ready for the meet and great" Elsa said to me and Hiccup "Alright everybody, line up with your pictures and wait for your autograph" Jack said as he directed the fans to the autograph signing table, oh ya I almost forgot to say, Jack is our body guard now and him and Elsa are married. And me and Hiccup we are engaged to be married. We sat down at the seats and signed the first autograph for a little girl and I knew this was what I wanted to do for the rest of my life.
A/N: I hope you guys like that extra chapter. Do you guys like the way it ended because I did a lot. THANK YOU ALL AGAIN FOR READING THIS FANFIC AND GETTING IT TO 1k reads!!!! If you went aren't already go read my other fic Broken Boy meets Broken Girl.
Until then...
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