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(A/N: I put Hiccups song up there even though I'm sure you have heard it before)
Hiccup's POV
I was at home watching TV when I heard a knock on my door several actually. I walked up and opened it and was very surprised at who it was. It was Merida and she didn't look good, her eyes were blood shot red and her cheeks were tear stained "Mer what's wrong?" I asked concerned "Can I come in?" She asked "Ya of course" I said as she walked in "I'm sorry to barge in like this but your the only person I can talk to right now because Elsa is with Jack a lot now and my mom and dad are busy with the shop" she said starting to cry again "Mer what's wrong?" I asked getting a little scared. She didn't say anything she just walked forward and hugged me, I hugged back of course and she was crying again "She's gone Hic" she said between sobs "She's gone and I can't get her back" she said.
I knew exactly who she was taking about. She was talking about her grandma. I knew because I remember her telling me yesterday that her grandma was sick. "Hey,Hey it's ok, we're gonna make it through this, ok" she just continued to cry. I felt so bad, I have never seen her show an emotion like this, this was Merida at her weakest point. I kissed her head softly letting my lips linger a bit before I pulled away. We ended up just laying on my couch together me right next to her. She had her face nuzzled into my neck as I drew designs on her hand and entwined our fingers. I rubbed my thumb on the back of her hand, occasionally kissing her temple. "Thank you" she said in almost a whisper "For what?" I asked "You make me feel safe" she said. All I did was kiss her head again and hug her tighter   and with that we both fell asleep.
Hope you like this chapter
(I know I did)Please suggest things for Mericcup.
ALSO!!!!!!! I put out the first chapter to My new fic BROKEN BOY MEETS BROKEN GIRL go check it out!!!!

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