Was that an almost Kiss?

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Merida's POV
Me, Hic,Elsa, and Jack where all out of school for Thanksgiving so we decided to go to the park and walk around. "This is nice" Elsa said happy. "Ya, its calming" Jack said back. I needed to do something active, I couldn't just walk around looking at things. That's when I saw something amazing "Hey look those guys are playing baseball! Let's go over and play!" I said "Um y-you can play I'll j-just watch" Elsa said "I'll play"said d Hiccup "great"I said as I started walking towards the game. As we walked closer I could see who was playing and I was quite disgusted "Hans"  I said annoyed. He was pitching the ball horribly I might add, we'll all the more reason to win I thought to myself."Wait for the next guy to strike out then we will jump in" I said to Hic. Elsa and Jack were waiting at the fence. The next guys struck out and we jumped in. Hiccup went the before me, he hit the ball and ran to the base then it was my turn. I got the bat and set up to hit the ball as I heard a laugh, I looked over and it was Hans "What?" I asked "Get out of here your a girl!" Right when he said that I threw the bat down and went over to him "AND?" I asked annoyed "Girls can't play baseball especially not you!" Right when he said that I lost control and Punched him in the mouth. He fell to the ground and I jumped on top of him and started beating him up then I felt hands pulling me back, they where Hiccups "Hey, Hey calm down Mer!" He said as he brought me up off of Hans. Hans sat up spitting out blood and spoke with a bloody mouth "To bad your sisters dead, nobody to teach you how to get along!" When he said that I went into shock. My sister had died in a car crash a few years ago, a drunk driver crashed into her, the whole town was devastated when it happened and I fell into a big state of depression and it was awful I had just started getting over it. Right when he said that Hiccup let go of me and jumped on Hans and began doing the same thing to him as I was but Hans fought back this time, they both got pretty beat up before Jack got there and broke it up. 
We where walking away as Hiccup came up to me "Hey" he said "Leave me alone" I said "Look I'm sorry" he said back "You should be! I had that under control" I said starting to yell "I was just trying to help you!" He said back "I didn't ask for your help your not my boyfriend!" I said. (A/N: yes I stole the scene from Pitch Perfect don't judge me!) When I said that Hiccup looked a little hurt "Whatever" he mumbled and got in the car. The car ride home was awkward but we needed to clean Hiccups cuts and bruises up before his mom saw them. Me, Elsa,Jack and Hiccup where all sitting in Elsa's living room with the first aid kit. "I'm gonna go get some hot water to rinse out the cut on your head, ok?" Elsa said "I'll help you" Jack said. They both left the room so that just left me and Hiccup. There was an awkward silence for a little bit until Hiccup broke it "I'm sorry" he said " I shouldn't have butted into the fight" he said "No I'm sorry"I said as I stood up and walked toward him "I wad really rude to you when you helped me, it's just when he mentioned my sister I just lost it" I said as I sat on the coffee table in front of him "I know" he said. I looked closely at him and saw the cut on his head "Wow that's bad" I said as I opened the First Aid kit and got a disinfectant spray and a cotton ball, I sprayed it on the cotton ball and placed it on his cut "Ow" he said as it stung, I just looked at him "Thank you" I said "For what?" He asked "Protecting me" as I said that our eyes locked and I felt him start to lean in and I started to too but for some reason I stopped when our faces where only inches apart "We should probably get that looked at to make sure you don't need stitches" I said in an almost whisper "Ya,ya your right" he said back right then Elsa and Jack walked back in "Ok so I got a warm towel and a few glasses of lemonade just because" she said obviously not noticing how close me and Hiccup where "Great" Hiccup said standing up. Trying to act like nothing was happening but the rest of the night me and Hic both couldn't stop thinking of that Almost Kiss.
A/N: aaaaaahhhhhh Mericcup is happening!!!!! Lol I was really excited to write this chapter. The baseball scene was inspired by the movie Now and Then and the fight scene between Mer and Hiccup was inspired by Pitch Perfect anyways hope you like this chapter

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