Wake up Elsa!

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Merida's POV
She is twenty minutes late. She should have been at my house 20 minutes ago. I called her multiple times each time with no answer so I decided to call Jack to see is he knew where she was
"Jack where is Elsa?!"
"I thought she was with you!"
"No! She is twenty minutes late!"
"Shit! I think I know where she is!"
Jack's POV

I knew exactly where she was. I remembered Astrid telling me she was having a party. I quickly drove to Astrid's house most likely breaking the speed limit. As soon as I walked in I heard music blasting and the stench of beer. I walked through the house until I saw Elsa. "Elsa what are you doing?" I asked "Having fun!"she said with a beer in her hand "What?! Give me this!" I said as I took the beer and threw it in the trash "Jeez relax man!" She said as she pulled out a cigarette and lit it. "Elsa what the hell you smoke now too?" I asked "Ya get used to it" she said with smoke coming out of her mouth, I took the cigarette out of her mouth threw it on the floor and squashed it "What the Hell man?!" She shouted "Elsa wake up this isn't you" I said as I waved my hands in front of her face "Actually this is exactly who I am, this is what happens when your life suck!" She said "Elsa in what way does your life suck?!" I asked "My parents are dead I live with a foster mom my sister is totally oblivious to the fact that our foster just wants her and not me and I am invisible unless I wear this stuff!" She shouted "Elsa your life doesn't suck it might not be perfect but it doesn't suck" I said "Oh really how would you know! You probably live in some big house with a nice mom and nice dad and just a perfect family!" She said "You couldn't be farther from the truth" I said "What?" She asked "Follow me, I guess now was as good a time to tell her as ever. I drove Elsa to the place where I live neither of us saying a word the whole time. I saw her get confused when I entered the projects "Why are we in the projects?" She asked "I live here" I said
We walked into my apartment and as soon as we stepped foot in my little brother came running up to me "Jack your home! I need help on my math" he said "Jacky!!!!" I heard my sister Emma yell. She and Jamie are twins "I learned a new song on the guitar wanna hear it?"she asked "Maybe later" I said, and lastly there was Sophie the youngest "Jack!!!!" She said as she ran into my arms "Hey Soph!" I said "Who is that" she said as she pointed to Elsa "That's my friend" I said as I looked at Elsa "She smells like mommy" she said referring to the stench of beer on Elsa "Where is mommy anyways?" I asked "Where do u think?" Jamie said looking at me with sad eyes "Bar?" I asked already knowing the answer "Yep" he said "You guys go play in your room ok" I said as I put Sophie down "ok!" They said as they ran off "J-Jack I had no idea" Elsa said "Nobody does" I said "Only Hiccup" I said looking down "I'm sorry" she said with sad eyes "It's fine, it's not all bad" I said shrugging  "God I'm such an idiot" she said as she sat down on the couch covering her eyes with her hands "You're not an idiot Elsa, you just got sucked into Astrid's trick" I said as I wrapped my armed around her "I just wish people would actually notice me"she said hugging me back "Elsa..." I said as I our eyes locked "ya?" She asked "I noticed u" I said before pressing my lips to her's
Hi guys!!!! So yay Elsa snapped back to reality. I Promise Mericcup will be in the next chapter I just had to tie up some loose ends, anyways be prepared for the end.

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