The Audition

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Merida's POV
Today was the day the auditions for All Star if we didn't make it past the auditions we couldn't even be in the competition so this was important "Hi Haddock" "Hi Red, you ready for today?" He asked "Ya totally prepared" I answered "Really not even a little scared of messing up and being a Failure and then your families Coffee shop Shuts down and you end up living on the streets?" I thought for a second then realized I was being stupid for even thinking about it "shut up!" I said wile smacking him on the head " OW! Hey I was just trying to warn you" he said "Ya well thanks now can we go?" I asked annoyed "Ok ok let's go" he said wile jumping in his car, I opened the door and buckled up
20 min later
"We're here!" I said as Hiccup hopped out of the car "Lets go!" Hiccup yelled "LOOK OUT ALL STAR HERE WE COME!" I yelled as we ran into the theater
(Time skip)
We about to go on and I got really nervous "Hey you ok?" Hiccup asked "Ya just little nervous" I said "Hey forget about everything I said this morning ok, we are both awesome singers and we can do this we always battled for gigs at restaurants and that's why we hated each other, but now we're a team and we have to do this now let's go out there and show them we can!" He finished, I guess his speech worked because as soon as I got out there I was confident and ready and so was he " Hi I'm Merida and this Is Hiccup and we will be singing Counting Stars by One Republic"
(A/N: the video doesn't work AGAIN! So if you want to here the Duet go to You Tube and Search the song look for a pic of a girl singing with red Lipstick her name is Alex Goot and the guy's name is Kurt Schneider
Thx😘) The audition was over and me and Hiccup were both so excited for the results I looked over and saw a man walk out "Ok everyone we are not posting the sheets on who made it yet but you will get a letter in the mail in about three days if you made it" The man finished "Well guess we have to wait" Hiccup said "Ya guess we'll have to wait" I said back
(Time skip, three days have past)
Hiccups POV
"So how did the audition go with Chia pet?" Jack asked "Really good I hope we make it" I replied we were standing by our lockers in a very crowded Hallway when I heard someone scream my name "HICCUP!!!!" I heard someone yell, I looked through the crowded hallway and saw a clump of red hair moving through and about ten seconds later I saw Merida riding a skateboard in the hallway "HICCUP!!!" She yelled again, she final reached me "you know you not allowed to ride that's in the hallway" I said "shut up this is more important!" She said "What?" I asked "WE MADE IT WE'RE IN ALL STAR!!!" She yelled, I was shocked I didn't know what to do I just screamed "OH MY GOD WE'RE IN!!!" I yelled, me and Merida where both so happy, I forgot what I was doing so I picked her up and spun around, we were both laughing and people were staring "I'm sorry to break up this sweet moment but me and Hic are late for class so gotta go" Jack said "oh ya so see you after school to practice?" I asked "Ya totally, see you then, BYE"
"Bye" I said as I walked away I saw Jack looking at me "What?!" I asked "How much you wanna bet your gonna fall for each other?" He asked " one hundred Dollars because it's never gonna happen" I said back "Ok if you say so" Jack said with a smirk
A/N: Hi guys it Jade I know that was a long Chapter or was it short? but it's because I haven't updated in a while sorry again about the video but please look it up because it really good so ya
P.S: Next chapter will be Jelsa

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