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Hiccup's POV
Me and Merida where in the studio thinking of a song to sing for the first stage of the competition "ok so we need something that explains both of us and our style we both thought for a wile and then Merida spoke "I GOT IT!!!" She shouted "Catch my Breath" she shouted "Perfect!" After that we got to reversing and we where ready for the competition tomorrow
The next day
Merida's POV
Hiccup came to pick me up and I jumped in the car "You ready?" He asked "Of course" I responded "Good because I hear their is some tough competition" he said
"Well I'm ready" I was ready whatever came our way I knew we could take it
On stage
"Un Hi I'm Merida and this is Hiccup and we are gonna be singing catch my breath by Kelly Clarkson." I said a little nervous "ok let's see what you got" one of the judges said " One,two,three, four" Hiccup counted off as we began
(The video works this time YYYYYAAAYYYY)
After the song
We had just finished. me and Hic both out of breath from singing, it was time for the judges "I like you guys, I like your Punk Rock look and I like you too as a team BUT I would love to see you guys sing a solo so I suggest that next week you both sing a Solo so we can get a feel for you guys separate but don't worry after that you guys will go back to singing together." One of the female judges named Stacy said "I totally agree I think you too could be a big hit but you need to learn how to sing separate" One of the male judges name Byron said agreeing with Stacy. "Thank you" Hic said as we walked off the stage " Well that was nerve racking" I said on the way out "Ya and they want us to sing Solos talk about jumping into things,what do u think your gonna sing?" He asked me "Ain't it fun by Paramore" I responded back quickly, I had already thought it through in my head "what about you?" I asked "Fight song By Rachael platinum or Jet Black heart by 5 SOS" he said "hahahahahahaha" I laughed "what?" He asked " YOU listen to 5 Seconds of summer?" I asked "Like you don't" he said "ya but I'm a girl I'm allowed to" I said "oh and guys aren't allowed to" he said back "Well nobody really says it but it's kinda like an unwritten rule" I said "Well it's a stupid rule" he said "Ok if you say so" I said back as we got in the car.
A/N : HHHHHIIIIIIII GGGUUUUYYYYYSSS I KEPT MY PROMISE!!!!!!! Sorry there has been so much Mericcup but I promise there will be a lot of Jelsa coming up in the book and the next chapter WILL BE JELSA I promise ok bbbyyyeee

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