Smooth Criminal

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Hiccup POV
I looked up from the the car I was working on to see Merida ride up on her bike "Haddock!" She yelled "What's up chia pet?" I could tell she really worked to contain herself from yelling back at me for that "How good of a singer are you?" She asked "I'm decent, but I'm more of a guitarist" he answered "Why?" I asked "I need your help"
"With what?" I asked
"Will you compete in ALL STAR with me?" She asked fast, I was shocked "Um...ok" I replied surprising myself "really?" She said surprised "Sure...but first I need to see how good of a singer YOU are" I said
"Um ok what song?" She asked "Smooth Criminal" I said as I grabbed my guitars and started playing
P/N: the video is not working so if you want to see the duet go to YouTube and search Glee Smooth Criminal and it should be the first thing that shows up
Now back to the story (they already sang the song)
------------------------------------I was out of breath from the song "I gotta admit your good red" I said "Your not too bad yourself" she replied back, I grabbed two coke bottles from the fridge and handed one to Merida "So why do you want to be in ALL STAR anyways" I asked, she took a deep breath then began to speak "My families coffee shop is gonna close unless we get the money to pay off the bills and if I won ALL STAR we would be able to keep it open" she finished "I'll help you win" I said "I thought you said my families coffee tasted like tar" she asked "Ya well it didn't really I just wanted to annoy you" I said with a smirk "I hate ya" she said again "Is that anyway to talk to your new duet partner?" I said "Sorry" she replied "WOW were you just nice to me?" I asked shocked "don't get used to it" she snapped back, "let's get started" I said
A/N: HIIII, so again sorry that the video didn't work I don't think most of them will work so I will just tell you what to look up on YouTube, I really recommend looking up the video because it is really cool and I feel like this is how Merida and Hiccup would act in this situation so please please look up the video,( in case you forgot the video is called Glee Smooth Criminal) ok I'm done nagging you now
XOXO bye
P.S: sorry I've been putting PROV instead of POV for their point of view...oops sorry🌺🌺🌺😘😘😘😎😎😎😎

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