Disneyland: part 2

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Merida POV
We got into the gates and Elsa bout a hat. Me and Hiccup both ran to the statue of Walter Disney and claimed a spot so Elsa could get a picture "Ok, what ride first?" Jack asked "Let's go on Haunted Mansion first." Said Hiccup, we walked to the Haunted Mansion and luckily there was no line we went in the stretching room as the creep voice started talking "what is that?!" Elsa asked a little scared "Don't worry, it's just effects" the stretching room part was over and we went through the line and onto the ride
Me and Hiccup sat together on the ride and Jack and Elsa sat together "You know u are gonna pick another ride right." Hic said "Um no you're gonna pick another ride" I said " I don't think so!" Hiccup said, after that we both argued a bit I knew Hiccup was stubborn but I also knew I was more "Enough! Both of u pick a new ride!" Jack said "Fine" we both said "I choose Tower of Terror" I shouted fast "Fine then I choose California Screaming!" Hic said "Fine, Deal?" He asked "Deal" I said
Hiccup's POV
We walked around for a bit and went on Haunted mansion first since Jack and Elsa were going on the ride together that meant I was stuck with Mer, of what a wonderful time I will have😒
We got in the haunted Mansion and of course Merida knew every word to the intro and the evil laugh we, we got on and Merida was making a bunch of comments about how she loved the ghost in the ballroom seen so of course I had to ruin it by saying " you know it just a mirror right and their all just robots" I said with a smirk "Shut Up Hic u know that I'm not five, but sometimes u still have to be a kid and let the unexplained magical experience sink in don't ruin it with logic it takes the fun out of life, to me their are two types of people in the world people that rely completely on Science and Logic or the people that let the unexplained be unexplained and rely and magic and dreams and to me the first one seems pretty boring so choose if u wanna be an adult or a kid." She finished and that while rest of the ride I really let her words sink in and I realized she was right. After the ride we decided we were hungry so we went to California Adventure to get Clam Chowder. Elsa and Jack were in line and me and Merida were outside she said as standing my the dock and I was finding a table as soon as I find one I put out stuff down and went to tell Mer were it was. I walked up to her and as soon as she turned around I froze her hair was blowing in the wind and the sun made her blue eyes pop "Um...are u ok?" She asked, I broke out of my trance "ya ya I'm good I was just gonna tell u I found a table and that I really thought about what u said and I will try to be less logical and I will try to be more magical." I said "it's about time" she said, and for the first time I thought of Mer as more than a friend

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