Aint it Fun

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Merida's POV
Me and Hiccup had been practicing our music for a wile and we still hadn't sang that song we where gonna do for the solos in front of each other. So that's why I was a little nervous for today because I hadn't really practiced that much but I knew I would do ok. "So what did you decide to sing?" I asked Hic "Demons by Imagine Dragons" he responded "Cool"
"What about you?" He asked
"Ain't it Fun by Paramore" I said
"That song suits you" he said "Thanks" I responded as we arrived. We walked in and where greeted by an audio man who handed us the schedule "I'm second to go, what about you?" I asked Hic "third" he responded "cool, I just hope this goes quick I need to get home to my mom because my grandma is sick" I said looking down. I hadn't really told anybody except Elsa "Oh ok then I will make sure to get you home as soon as this is over" he said "Thank you" I said back
A half hour later
Hiccups POV
The first person went which meant that Merida was up next
She got up on the stage and introduced herself and that this was her solo and the judges told to start. She sang her heart out and I could tell she meant every thing the song said. Once she finished the judges told her she did perfect and thought the song was a perfect fit for her she walked off the stage toward me "Wow...all I have to say is wow" I said to her "Thanks" she said with a smile "HICCUP HADDOCK YOU'RE UP NEXT" I heard a voice shout "Good luck" she said to me while I walked on.
Merida's POV
Hiccup got on stage and introduced himself and all the other stuff and began to sing. He sang really good I don't think I ever noticed it before. He finished his song and the judges told him it was one of his best and that they couldn't wait to see more. He walked off and went to me. "That....was really good" I said to him "Thanks" he said as we started to walk out "And can I just say we have got this competition in the bag" he said "oh ya" I said smiling
A/N: yay Update!!!! Next chapter will be really cute and fluffy and I'm really excited to write it (it will be Mericcup)

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