That's a wrap...

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Merida's POV
This is it. The last song me and Hic will sing in this competition. We went with the song Sorry by Justin Bieber. It made me just a tiny bit angry that I was singing one of his songs but I couldn't deny that it was a good song and the Judges said we had to pic a song that came out recently. So here I was standing backstage struggling to do my eyeliner because of my shaky hands. If me and Hic didn't win this my life would change forever, the coffee shop I practically grew up in will close never to open again....ya that wasn't helping. I finally finished my makeup and walked outside where I saw Hiccup tuning his guitar. He looked up at me and smiled "Wow, you look great" he said as he stood up  "Thanks, I don't exactly feel great" I said admitting my nervousness. He walked over to me "we're gonna do great, I can feel it" he said placing his hands on my shoulders. I gave him a smile and Hugged him tightly, he wrapped his arms around me and kissed my head. "Thank you" I said "For everything" I continued as I looked up at him. The next thing I knew we both leaned in and kissed. This time the kiss was more natural and a little less confusing since we had done it before. Once we parted we saw a very shocked Elsa and Jack "You can close your mouthes now guys, this isn't the first time we've kissed" Hiccup said with a smirk. That just made their mouthes open even more.
There was one more singer until me and Hiccup went on and I actually was a lot less nervous I actually felt ready...We walked out there as we heard the announcer introduce us to the audience "Hi I'm Merida" "And I'm Hiccup" "And we are gonna be singing Sorry by Justin Beiber" I put the mic on the stand as Hiccup began to play

(Play video)
Me and Hiccup finished singing and looked up at the judges waiting for their response "You two did great, I can't wait for awards" One of the judges said  "Thank you" I said into the mic and we walked off "Oh my god" I said right when we got off stage "They liked it!" Hiccup said as he hugged me picking me up a few inches off the floor in the progress. "I told u we could do it" he said "You guys did amazing" I herd Elsa say "I hope the audience thinks the same thing because they have the final vote...
30 mins later...
We were standing on stage for awards as we waited to see which on of us would win. There were only my two others people left I the competition 4 counting me and Hic. One of the female judges walked out on stage "I would like to thank all of our contestant for participating in the journey, you all are amazing singers and let's get to the good third place we have ARIEL!!!!" The red headed girl walked up and got her silver microphone trophy smiled and went back to he spot . It left only me Hiccup and another girl named Amy "And now in first place we have....

"MERIDA AND HICCUP!!!" I could believe what I was hearing but by instinct I jumped up in the air and so did Hiccup we ran to the front of the stage and got our Golden Microphone trophy and check "THANK YOU SO MUCH EVERYBODY!!!" Me and Hic both said into the mic. After talking on the stage for a bit me and Hiccup walked off where we saw Jack and Elsa run to us. We all went for a group hug "I knew you guys could do it" Jack said "Actually I'm pretty sure I said that" commented Elsa "Guys, guys come on I said it" replied Hiccup. And at that moment I could be happier.....

A/N: Thank you all so much for reading This fanfic and putting up with my way overdue updates and the times when I sometimes forget my own plot. This fanfic got to 1K! That has never Happened on anything I've written and it means a lot to me. Get ready for the bonus chatter that will be showing them five years forward and also go read my other Mericcup fanfic Broke Boy meets broken Girl. Until then...
That's a wrap

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