But Good girls are bad girl

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Elsa's POV
I didn't know why Jack dragged me away, I was having a good time for once I felt like someone liked me besides Merida. I liked how they did things, I was tired of playing it safe all the time I wanted to change my rep and the way to start is with my clothes. Unfortunately I had to raid my sister's closet because my wardrobe consists of Pink and Blue pastel skirts and cute little tops. I went into my sister's closet and got a pair of blacked ripped jeans and a gray t-shirt that went off the shoulder. I put my hair down and curled it and then I grabbed my backpack and went out the door.
As soon as I arrived I got a bunch of stares people where whispering to each other. I continued to walk down the hall to Merida "Hi El....what the Hell are you wearing?" She asked surprised "This is my new look, don't you like it?" I asked "Elsa this isn't you, this is those people u and Jack where hanging out with,this is them influencing you" she said as Hiccup walked up "Hi Mer" he said not looking at me yet "Wow what happened to you?" He asked "Nothing! Is it weird that I am not dressed like a Barbie doll?" I asked getting annoyed "No it's just that you have never shown an interest in dressing like this before you hung out with Astrid and Eugene" Merida said "Whatever" I said as I closed my locker and walked away leaving both Merida and Hiccup a little shocked.
"Hey Jack" I said as I entered the next hallway "Hey Elsa....What are you wearing?" He asked "Why is everybody so surprised!?" I said "Hey I like it" I heard a voice say, it was Astrid and Eugene "Astrid your not helping" Jack said "Hey I'm just speaking my mind" she said with a smirk "And anyways if you don't like it she can stick with us" she said as she wrapped her arm around me and led me away from Jack...
A/N: Yay double update, the book is starting to come to an end so be ready!!! I'm going to be writing another Jelsa Chapter, yay and then the last few will be Mericcup.

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