Chapter 1: We're Going To Camp!

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Coco's POV
I'm so excited, I just woke up on the morning we'll be going to camp! Bailey, Cindy and I are all packed and ready. We get into the car. We can not stop talking about camp. And finally we arrive the buses are already there and pets are already starting to get on! Cindy, Bailey and I jump out with our bags and we go to our friends. "Who's sitting with who?" Akira asks. "Akira, can you sit with me?" I ask. "Sure." Artemis runs over to Cindy. "Bus?" "Sure." "Hey Mish, do you want to sit on the bus together?" Arthur asked. "Sure!" "I'll sit next to Atlas then Elton you can sit near us." Bailey said. "You guys can sit with Cindy and i in the back, I already dibs all 5 seats in the back." "That would probably be best." Atlas said. No fair they get the back. I wanted the back. How come Bailey got the back? "How about we sit near each other?" Arthur suggested. "Sounds good." Bailey said. We all got on the bus Akira got the window seat and I sat next to her. Arthur and Mishka sat across from us. "Guys I have a great story to tell you guys that happened to me, okay so when we go Outside we sometimes go off on little walks? Well I went on this one walk and I live near a dog park so I walked past there and I met this dog and he said to me, "why is your face so squished up?" And he was a bulldog and then I said, "I could ask the same about you" then he looks at me in horror and I say, "what's wrong? Or is your squished face just talking for you?"" We all laughed. "Oh yeah once I was at the dog park once and this group of labradors and golden retriever came up to me and said, "what's wrong with that tail?" "Well yours doesn't look exactly normal either."" We laughed again. "But isn't a normal dog tail like a golden retriever's or Labrador's? Like look at Artemis' tail" I said. "Meh." The whole trip we laughed and talked about some funny dogs and cats we had encountered. It seemed so quick, probably because we were having so much fun. And then our bus drove through this wooden gate saying, "Camp Blue Lake." We were at camp, we were cheering so loud vice principal Frankie told us to calm down. And then here we were! All the buses stopped at the dropping off point, everyone got off the bus and we all got our luggage. "Alright everyone calm down! Please find your cabins and start getting set up!" You have 20minutes!" Vice Principal Frankie wasnt normally this strict. Maybe he was just stressed? We then started to look for our cabins. I found the list in front of cabin C. Hey, just like my name! It read,
Camp C
All my friends but AMBER AND GLITTER?! SERIOUSLY?! HOW AM I IN THE SAME CABIN AS THEM YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME?! And who's Paisley? Hopefully paisley isn't as mean as Glitter and Amber. We all walked in to see our big cabin. Then the door slammed open, "ugh I can't believe we're sharing a cabin with these losers." We turned around to see glitter and amber. If I'm correct, Amber said that. Glitter had the biggest pink suitcase. The suitcase was taller than everyone in the cabin. "Well guess what? We didn't ask to share a cabin with you!" Cindy said. We all started arguing then a dog walked in, an Australian shepherd to be exact, with a white duffel bag. "Um who are you?" Glitter asked very snob like. "Oh I'm Paisley, I'm new I only just joined." She had two colored eyes! How cool! "Wow you have 2 colored eyes!" Coco, stop thinking like that, she's a dog, you have to think a little bit low of her. "I mean, cool you have two colored eyes." I said more calmly. She chuckled, "haha yeah." I actually liked Paisley. "I'm Coco." "I'm Cindy" "I'm Akira!" "I'm Mishka but you can call me Mish." "I'm Artemis." "I'm Amber this is glitter, stay out of our way." "Nice to meet you all, even you two, Glitter and Amber." Akira then suddenly said, "I dibs top bunk!" "SO DO I!" Everyone said except me. "Hey no fair I want top bunk!

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