Chapter 35: The Last Midnight Feast

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Cindy's POV
Tonight I'm deciding to stay up till midnight and wake up everyone. Tonight is our last night, it's kind of sad I guess. We walked in then I just remembered, no Aina tonight. Yay! No more pepper spray! We decided to rock paper scissors to see what the shower order tonight is. Artemis and I did rock paper scissors. I did paper and she did scissors. She won. Mishka and Paisley did rock paper scissors. Mishka did rock and Paisley did paper. Paisley won. Mishka and I were out of first and second place. Oh well. Artemis and Paisley did it. Artemis did scissors and Paisley  did rock. Paisley was first. Artemis was second. Now Mishka and I had to do it. I did paper again and she did rock. I was 3rd, Phew. At least not last. Mishka looked a bit sad. "Don't worry Mishka, it's only the last night." Coco said to comfort her. she sighed but accepted it. In the mean time, we started to study for math homework while we waited. The cats went to brush their teeth. We're not doing homework, we're just studying for it. Paisley got in the shower. "4329 + 4628 =?" "So easy!" Glitter called out. "8957." Mishka said. "3297 - 629?" "3328." Mishka said. Again. "573 x 92?" "52716." Mishka said again?! "Mishka's on a roll! Paisley said from the shower. She sat up proudly. "543 divided by 73?" "7.4383561." Mishka said again. She's so smart! "Calculator!" Akira pointed behind Mishka. "Well you got me." We all burst into laughter. Paisley finished in the shower then Artemis went in. "432 + 4 - 94 x 62." "21204. I think. Not sure." Amber said. I'm pretty sure that was the answer. Don't tell anyone I said this but Amber's pretty smart. I just wish she wasn't mean, she could use her brain in lots of stuff! Okay so I wasn't meant to tell you this, because it's a secret but Artemis actually is really jealous of Amber's smarts and a bit of her popularity. But pinky promise not to tell anyone! Because Artemis will get angry. Oh shoot, I shouldn't have told you anyway. Wait, I'm not telling anyone, it's just my brain. Calm down Cindy, it's just your brain, just your brain. Time passes so quickly, it's now my turn to get in!

At 11:50pm

I have a feeling it's almost midnight. I started to get up. I think i'll wake up coco first. I got out of bed and climbed up Coco's bunk ladder. I gently shook her and whispered, "coco!" She opened her eyes. She sat straight up. "Is it midnight?" She asked me. "Shhhh." I said. "Oh sorry." Coco's face lit up. She looked like she already had candy but I doubt it. As we were chatting, we heard singing. "There's nothing holdin' me back!" The rest was a bit mumbled. "Is that Glitter singing?" I asked. "Well it's not that good." Coco replied to me. She probably shouldn't insult too much. We climbed down from her bunk and peaked a little. Glitter was in the bathroom singing in front of the mirror singing into a hairbrush. I started to giggle. Coco flung the door open. Glitter screeched. "DONT YOU KNOCK EVER?" "Were you just singing into a hairbrush? Hahahahahah." I laughed. Soon we started to sing along with her. Then Mishka opened the door. She looked a bit upset. "Oh I forgot! It's midnight!" I quickly said. "Everyone's already awake." Mishka said. "Oh. Did we wake them up?" Coco asked. Mishka nodded. We walked out and everyone was out of their beds. I went to my bag and I got all the candy out. "Alright tonight we have: 8 Zappo gum pieces, 8 fizzers, 8 mini sherbet bags, 4 cookies and crème Hershey's bars, 16 pieces candy corn, 8 airheads and 4 KitKat bars." "ZAPPO GUM!" Paisley looked so excited. I divided them all into piles and we all started to eat. The cookies and crème hersheys are my favorite.

Paisley's POV
I got strawberry Zappo gum. Awwww. I wanted tutti frutti. It's my favorite! Akira had tutti frutti. I went and asked for trade. "Akira? Can we trade? Pretty please?" "Sorry but I like tutti frutti." "Do you have a favorite flavor?" "Yes, raspberry is my favorite." Raspberry is her favorite hmmm. Only Amber had a raspberry one. Will she take the strawberry? "Hi amber! Can I trade you?" "What are you giving me?" "Strawberry??" "Sure." I got raspberry! I went back to Akira. "Sooo.... Deal?" "Sure!" She took it straightaway. I'm so lucky to be in a cabin with Cindy.

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