Chapter 7: Midnight Feast

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Bailey's POV
We all walked together into the cabins. The girls went to their cabin before us because they have the 3rd one, while we have the 9th one. We went on and we turned on the lights and walked in. "Where did you guys go?" Mike asked. "To go have early dinner." Stewart said. "Why didn't you invite us?" "You were in the bathroom and Cosmo wasn't even paying attention to us." Then we heard puffing and grunting and we saw Zane doing burpees? Zane had a lot of energy. "What are you doing?" "Burpees!" Miss Luna had mentioned that the dogs take showers? Now this is why dogs  and cats got different packing sheets. We had half an hour to get ready for bed. Well we only had 2 dogs in our cabin so we were fine. Atlas and Zane did rock paper scissors to see who showers first. Atlas won and got his towel and went in the bathroom. He shut the door. Arthur knock on the bathroom door. "Atlas, can you like pull at the shower curtain so we can brush our teeth?" "Yeah sure." We were all pets what was the problem? I guess I won't judge. Maybe it's for the best. Everyone but Zane got their toiletry bag. Arthur knocked on the door, "you done it?" "Yeah" we all went in. We went to the sinks. Got the toothpaste on our toothbrush and we started to brush. Then halfway in to us brushing teeth, the water stopped. Atlas stepped out with a towel, "can someone help dry me?" I paused my teeth brushing. I got the towel and I started drying Atlas. He was shaking off water when the towel was on him, which was good because I didn't want to get sprayed with water. "Okay that's good." He said and he took the towel off him and put it on the rack in the bathroom. He got his toiletries bag and he squeezed toothpaste out of the tube. But it was yellow? Cosmo also caught on. "Why is your toothpaste yellow?" "I don't know, it's just some random dog toothpaste my owners give me. Zane came running in the bathroom with his towel. He went into the shower  and shut the curtain. Everyone but atlas finished before me. Atlas and I were just brushing our teeth. I finally finished and zipped up my toiletry bag and went out of the bathroom. Zane then finished up and atlas was also done. Zane went out of the bathroom with a towel and his paw, then he started shaking his wet body and it was spraying all of us. "ATLAS!" atlas came and protected me. "Zane? Seriously?" Elton said. "What?" Mike was already getting ready for bed. Next thing you know Mike was curled up under his blanket. Someone knocked on our door. Stewart went to get it. "Hello, is your cabin almost ready to go to sleep?" "Almost, Miss Luna" we decided we should hurry and get to bed because Zane just finished brushing his teeth. We all went to our bunks and went under the blanket. But after everyone had got under the blanket the light was still on. But finally Zane got up the turn it off. He went back to his bunk. And we tried to go to sleep

Mishka's POV
We walked to our cabin and turned the lights on. "I dibs shower first!" Artemis suddenly said. She climbed up on her bunk, got her towel and ran to the bathroom and shut the curtain and the water turned on. "I didn't realize dogs had to shower." Akira said. No one responded to her. I decided to brush my teeth before I have my shower. Paisley, Akira, Amber, Glitter, Coco and I got our toiletry bag and started brushing our teeth. Why wasn't Cindy coming to brush her teeth? "Cindy are you going to brush your teeth? It'll get rid of your stinky breath!" Amber said. Amber is so annoying. Like what is her problem? Why does she not like us? "I'm not brushing my teeth before I shower, I'm next to shower." Eh, I didn't really care. But with us dogs we probably will need someone to help dry us. Most of us had finished brushing our teeth. "Someone help me dry myself!" Artemis said. We didn't realize she had gotten out. Cindy went to Artemis and helped dry her! I'm glad Cindy and Artemis are my best friends. Once Artemis was done being dried Cindy got in the shower. Artemis began to brush her teeth. I had finally finished. "Wait Mish, can we play another song and can I pick this time?" Artemis asked me. "Yeah sure." I handed Artemis my iPod. She fiddled around with it. Then Bad Blood by Taylor Swift began to play. We all started to dance and sing along to it. Cindy got out of the shower and started shaking her wet body. "My god Cindy!"Coco got Cindy's towel and started drying her. I went into the shower. I hung my towel on the towel rack in the shower. I turned on the water expecting nice warm water but it was more half warm and half cold. This is what you get when your second last I guess. I saw some dog shampoo and I started using it. I wasn't in there for long. I finally got out. "Can someone dry me?" "Coming!" Then Glitter came and dried me. Well that was weird. I remember when I first came Glitter, Amber and their dogs used to bully me but Cindy stuck up for me. Finally glitter finished. "Say thank you!" Then she hissed at me. "Thanks." Then Glitter walked out. Paisley cam running in. "Finally!" Paisley closed the shower curtain and she turns on the water "AAHHH WHY SO COLD." We all laughed. Someone knocked on our door, I went and got it. "Hi Miss Luna." "Hi, is your cabin almost ready to go to sleep?" "Well I think so, but paisley's in the shower." "Shouldn't you all have finished showers?" "Half of our cabin is dogs." "Oh okay I see, oh hi Coco!" "Hi..." "has camp been fun?" "Yeah..." "that's great! Now can you girls try and get to bed." "Yes miss Luna." I shut the door. "Why was miss Luna acting like that?" I was curious. "Because I'm Miss Luna's teacher's pet, the whole reason glitter started to hate me." "Yeah because you stole the title from me!" "Not like I could help it! You got so mad you tried to get your dogs to attack me and they chased me around the playground!" "I still haven't forgiven you!" "Grow up, Glitter." "Want me to get my dogs?" "Guys stop fighting." Paisley was out of the shower. "Do you need help Paisley?" Akira asked. "Yes please." Akira walked over to her and started to dry her. "Thanks Aki." "No worries." We turned off the lights and went to bed. I climbed up on my bunk. I connected my earphones into my iPod. "Mishka, remember to wake us up at midnight!" Amber said. "Yeah yeah." Everyone fell asleep. At least I think they did. Not sure if they definitely did. I started to play dark horse by Katy Perry. I started to hum to it. It was a bit lonely. I checked the time , it was 10:40. 1 hour and 20 minutes. Doesn't seem that long but it's probably going to feel long. I kept tossing and turning, even though I was meant to go to sleep. Maybe I could go to sleep? I am able to put an alarm on my iPod. I set an alarm for 11:59pm. I kept my earphones in so I could hear it. I finally fell asleep.

Something began to ring in my ears. Seriously? I just been woken up now. Hang on, wait that's the alarm! I stopped it. I took my earphones out and I heard someone snoring? Couldn't tell if it was a cat or dog. I decided to wake up Artemis first. Should I try and jump over to Artemis' bunk? I went to the edge of my bunk, I got on it and oh boy did my feet hurt while I was on there. I pulled back and leapt on to Artemis' bed. Lucky landing. "What the heck Mish?" She said half asleep. "Sorry was just waking you up." "Wait is it already midnight?" "Yeah, why else would I wake you up?" Then I started to hear ruffling. Artemis and I looked to see Coco getting off her bunk. She then noticed us. "So you guys are already awake?" "Yeah why are you awake?" "Was going to the bathroom, you?" "I was waking up Artemis for midnight feast." "Wait it's already midnight? Wait for me! I'll be in the bathroom!" There was 2 separate cubicles. One with a litter box and one with fake grass. You can probably guess which ones meant for cats and dogs. Then I heard the snoring again. And I think Artemis did as well because she twitched her ear and asked me, "Can you hear that?" "Yeah, it sounds neat though." I looked under Artemis' bunk and saw Cindy and the noise was coming from her. "Cindy!" I whispered loudly. "What?" "You were snoring!" "Oh sorry, wait hang on Mishka why are you on Artemis' bunk?" "Oh I was waking her up for midnight feast." "Wait it's midnight? Who's awake?" "You, Artemis, Coco and I." I got off  Artemis' bunk and went to glitter's. "Midnight feast!" "Wait really?!" I went to Paisley. "Midnight Feast!" "Yes!" I climbed up on Akira's bunk. "Midnight feast!" I started jumping on her bed. "Stop! Okay, cool!" I started laughing then Aki laughed with me. Finally coco was done in the toilet and everyone but glitter went to Ambers bunk and started jumped on her bed saying. "Midnight feast!" "YOU GUYS ARE SO ANNOYING!" "Wait should turn on the lights? No one will notice I don't think?" Glitter suggested. That would be probably too risky. "No, too risky." Like imagine all the scenarios of what could go wrong. Paisley turned on her flashlight. Cindy started getting the candy. She got out Butterfingers, Peanut M&Ms, gummies, Swedish fish, sour patch kids, nerds and hi chews. "This is the bag for tonight's midnight feast. I have 2 other ones." "Let's do another one on Wednesday and Friday." Paisley said. "Agreed." We all said. I really wanted the hi chews. She had my favorite flavor, green apple! "Can I have a butterfinger, plesseeeeee?" Akira asked Cindy. "I only have 4 butter fingers so, I'll half them and give a piece to you all. I'll give you all equal amounts of everything. She unwrapped the butter fingers and split them into half and laid them on the carpet. By the way we were all on the floor. She gave each butter finger 5 peanut m&ms. She put 3 gummies in each pile, 3 Swedish fish in each pile, 3 sour patch kids in each pile, 5 nerds in each pile and 2 hi chews in each pile. She handed us all a pile. I got mango and strawberry hi chews. Aww no green apple ones. The hi chews were the best part definitely. "Did you guys see how strange Arthur was acting around Akira?" Artemis said. We all agreed. Arthur was acting suspicious though. "He might like you." Amber said. "Uh I don't think so." Akira said to amber. "Do you like him?" Cindy asked. "As a friend? Yes, more? No.." "ohhhhh." "I'm getting a bit tired." Coco said. "But because you have sour patch kids I will try and stay awake."coco handed her paw out for more. Cindy had some left. She gave 1 more to Coco. I think coco is scamming Cindy. But she did look a bit sleepy. "I swear I saw a little bit of light! I heard people talking, Miss Luna!" "Did you guys just hear that?" Glitter asked. We all nodded. We took the candy we had and got back to our bunks. Paisley turned her flashlight off. I saw Miss Luna and a dog walk by our cabin. They were checking all the cabins it looked like. They looked through the window, looking for light. My question was, how did this dog see light of it was in his cabin? We didn't whisper that much though I guess. So we might've been a bit loud. "Looks like midnight feast is over, we should practice a routine in the morning when someone's coming." "Yeah." They all replied.

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