Chapter 2: Bag Throwing Competition

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Bailey's POV
We are walking down the cabins trying to find a cabin with any of our names, we finally came to Cabin I. The list said:
Cabin I
Mike. Oh. I'm sharing a cabin with Mike. After Mike betrayed us, I haven't really talked to him or seen him. I was also sharing a cabin with Cosmo. Great. I lost a friend because of Mike. A true friend. I lost Arthur. We're alright now but we are still a bit rocky. Zane and Stewart? Never heard of them... here goes nothing I guess? We walked in together. The cabin had bunks and it was big. We heard muffles voices outside arguing then the door opened and the voices were Cosmo and Mike. They walked in silently. We stared at each other for a very long time. The door flings open. "Who's ready to party?!" "Dude watch it you just dropped your bag in me." "Oops," 2 unfamiliar voices. We turned around to see a white fluffy dog and white fluffy cat. But not coco fluffy more like... i don't know how to explain. "Hey! I'm Zane and this is my friend, Stewart!" "We're not friends I just met you." "Are you both new?" Arthur asked. "Yes!" Zane chirped. "No, I've been at this school ever since it opened." Stewart said. "Just out of curiosity, how old are you two?" Atlas asked. "I'm 5!" Zane chirped, again. Zane was happy and young. I'm 7." Said Stewart. "I live with another dog, her name's Paisley she's also new!" "Let's introduce ourselves, I'm Bailey." "Cosmo." "I'm Atlas." "I'm Elton." "I'm Arthur." "Mike." "So you all are good friends right?" Stewart asked. "Not exactly, I mean Bailey, Atlas and I are best friends and Arthur's our friend and Mike's our ex best friend and Cosmo isn't exactly the nicest to me." Elton said. "OH MY GOODNESS! I have a cat doll that looks just like you!" Zane was now squeezing Elton's cheeks. "You have a cat doll? Elton said all muffled up. "Yeah!" Zane finally stop squeezing. Elton then fell to the ground. "Oh are you okay?" "I'm just tired." I think Elton was traumatized. "Can we stop talking about dolls and actually talk about who gets top bunk?" "It's only fair I get top bunk, I'm school captain after all." "Bailey get yourself on the top bunk you want." "Okay guys so let's have a competition, get your bags, got to the back of the room whoever land their bag on that top bunk gets that top bunk." Mike said. They all threw their bags a red bag landed on it. "Yes!" Arthur cheered. Arthur went running, climbed up the ladder, zipped open his bag and got out a pen and wrote on the wood, "Arthur". "Isn't that graffiti?" Stewart asked. "Well no, I'm not using spray paint." Everyone left moved direction and was now facing a different top bunk. They had a countdown then they threw their bags. A black bag landed on the top. "Yes!" Elton cheered. He got on the bunk. Then they changed directions, the last bunk. They did the countdown and threw the bags and Stewart's landed in the top. How do I know this was Stewart's? The bag is white with big black bold writing saying "Stewart". Stewart climbed on the bunk and sat there proudly. Atlas, Mike, Cosmo and Zane were disappointed. Atlas went to the bunk under Arthur. Cosmo went to the bunk under me. Mike went to the bunk under Elton. Zane then went under Stewart's bunk.

We got out all our fitted sheets and started putting them on our mattress

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We got out all our fitted sheets and started putting them on our mattress. "Um were we meant to bring a fitted sheet?" Arthur asked. "Yeah?" Atlas said. "I forgot." "Oh." I had a big blanket in my bag. Do I give it to Arthur? I guess I should, he's my friend. "Arthur I have a big blanket you can use." I tossed the blanket over to him. He kind of caught it. "Thanks." He started getting it set up. After we had a beds done we decided to meet up with our other friends well just Arthur, Atlas, Elton and I, and we decided to bring Zane and Stewart along with us. We got out of our cabin and started looking for their cabin then we found cabin C. We knocked on it. "Who is it?" "It's me Elton, with Arthur, Atlas and Bailey." Akira opened the door. "Need something?" "No just want to talk." Arthur said. "Coco, Cindy, Mish, Paisley, Artemis, come here!" There was 2 tables outside of their cabin. They all came out with this dog we'd never seen before. "Guys this is our new friend Paisley, she's new." Artemis introduced. "How come you have 2 colored eyes?" Atlas asked. "It's quite common for my breed." "Oh okay." "Well this is Zane who's new and this is Stewart who's always been at the school." I introduced. "Paisley! I was wondering when I would see you!" Zane said. "How do you know Paisley?" Cindy asked. "Oh we live together." "Oh, Cindy, Bailey and I live together as well." Coco said. "Um who's Cindy?" Zane asked. "Let's introduce ourselves, I'm Mishka but you can call me Mish." "I'm Artemis." "Im Cindy." "I'm coco." "Im Akira." "I'm Arthur." "I'm Bailey." "I'm Elton." "And I'm atlas!" "Im Stewart." "Um Bailey can I talk to you?" Arther asked me. "Sure." We walked off somewhere a bit more private. I wonder what he wanted to talk to me about, I hope nothing bad. "So what is it?" "Bailey, I have a confession to make. I...

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