Chapter 32: Mixed Up

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Cindy's POV
Lunch time. Yay! All the pets walked into the hall. "May I please have your attention everyone?" Mr Louie said on the loud speaker. Everyone stopped to listen. "We have decided you all need to sit with different dogs and cats. Table 1. Aina, Akira, Amber, Artemis, Arthur, Atlas, Bailey, Cindy, Chief, Cloud, Coco and Cosmo." That was me! I sat next to Artemis and Arthur. Coco sat next to Akira, Bailey sat next to Atlas, Aina, Amber, Chief and Cosmo sat altogether. "Hi Cindy, can I sit with you?" Cloud asked me. "Uh sure!" I replied. I hadn't talked to Cloud that much. She's nice though. I think. "Table 2. Daisy, Elton, Emerald, Esmeralda, Glitter, Gypsy, Lacy, Maggie, Mike, Millie, Mishka and Nala."  "Table 3. Nancy, Nala, Paisley, Stewart, Thor, Zane..." he kept going on. "I'm so hungryyyyy!" Aina complained. "Oh shut up, no one cares." Akira said back to her. Aina hissed at her. Akira rolled her eyes. "Pork tamales! Fit for a mixed up table! Am I right?" Chef Diego said. Everyone stared at him blankly. "Alright then, enjoy!" "Yeah we're going to need a taste tester for this, for all we know this could be poisonous! I nominate anyone I don't like, meaning most of you all." Amber said. What a princess. "I'll do it for Princess Amber, let nothing hurt her." Artemis said very fancy like. Everyone laughed except for Aina, Amber, Chief and Cosmo. "Haha very funny. Just try it already." Amber said sarcastically. Artemis had some of it. "It's kinda spicy, get your water ready." She warned. "I can take a bit of spice." Arthur brushed off. "You sure about that buddy? Last time we had something spicy, you had 5 minute breaks every time you had a bite because it was so spicy." Atlas reminded. "Hey I'll bet you candy you can't take 5 bites in a row without breaks or water." "Game on." Arthur said. He took a bite. "NOPE CANT DO IT!" He quickly drank from his water. "Told ya. Haha." Atlas had won the bet. That was so funny. "Guys I am literally so bored. Can we do something?" Bailey said. "Sure. Ummm... how about we ask what's the best thing that has happened at pet school to you all so far, starting with Aina." I suggested. "Ugh this sounds so lame but okay." Chief said. Chief's rude and disrespectful and mean in my opinion. "Umm I liked meeting Vice Principal Frankie." She said. "How about we do alphabetical order? So Akira next." Cloud suggested. "Um I really liked my first class, aka Art." We all looked at Amber waiting. "What? Oh my turn? Umm, being friends with glitter and aina." "Well I liked Art as well." Why do so many people like art? "I really like the cafeteria, it's got a lot of variety!" "The playground, especially those monkey bars! I can really get flexible on those." "I honestly don't know. I kind of like the classes." Bailey likes the classes?! A new discovery! In history! Then I realized it was my turn. "Well I liked meeting my friends and helping Mishka." "I liked those cupcakes from Bailey's campaign, I liked glitter's stuff and all but those cupcakes.. yum!" "I have got to agree with Chief! And that chocolate cake from Bailey's campaign. Even though I voted Elton, but I voted Elton because I knew him better." "Chief, Cloud spot on, Bailey's food was delicious! And I was the amazing chef behind it all!" Everyone clapped for her.

Daisy's POV
I don't know how to say it. Nancy will be devastated. Do I just tell the whole table? But Nancy's not even on the table, so what would be the point? Do I tell my whole cabin? How do I say the news? Is it good news? Or is it bad news? Probably bad. "Soooooooooo uh how's life?" Elton asked. "It's alright not exciting. Kinda glad there's no drama in my cabin."Emerald said. No drama?! So luckyyyyy! I'm officially so envious right now! "Daisy, you okay? You look kinda sad?" Esmeralda asked me. "Yeah yeah, I'm fine." Esmerelda could tell something was wrong. She was always like that. It was always like as if she could see into your mind. Psychic like, to be honest. "Not to be rude, well actually yes to be rude but, why do you guys even care if they're sad, it's none of your business." Glitter said. I don't like glitter. I kind of regret voting her for school captain. Yes, I voted her for school captain. "Glitter that's really rude. Would ask if aina or amber was okay if they were crying or sad?" Gypsy asked her. "Aina and Amber don't cry. Crying is weak."

Lacy's POV
Something weird, I am getting along really well with Mike. It's not like I like him though, plus he's a cat, I'm a dog. anyway as I was saying, Mike and i are getting along really well. "Concentration. 64. No repeats. Or hesitation. I'll go first and you go second. Topic is... Fruit!" We said together. "Apple." "Cantaloupe." "Strawberries." "Grapes." "Watermelon." "Uhhh ummm, I lost." Mike's getting better. Very slowly.

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