Chapter 16: The Dance Party

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Artemis' POV
"Artemis, remember to wake us up at 11." Glitter said. "Okay." Mish gave her iPod to Coco and Coco threw it to me. Everyone went to sleep. I was borrowing Paisley's flashlight. I got out my book. Harry Potter and The Philosopher's Stone.

In some parts of the world it is called The Sorcerer's Stone and Some parts it's called The Philosopher's Stone. Where I live it's The Philosopher's Stone.

Vice Principal Frankie was actually the one that told me that I should read it. I was up to page 153. I checked the iPod every now and then. And suddenly it was 11:02. Time to wake them up. I sat up and I got out of bed. I went over to Mishka's bunk. I shook her. Yeah I definitely didn't take the gentle approach. She slowly opened her eyes. "Artemis? Why did you wake me up?" She asked. I pointed the iPod in her face. "Oh." She said. Then suddenly we heard a creak. We looked down to see Paisley get up. Why was she awake? Oh she was probably going to the bathroom. But the thing is she didn't. She just walked around the room aimlessly. "Paisley?" I called down to her. No reply. "I think she's sleep walking." Mish said. She still was walking aimlessly. We shrugged. We got down from the bunk and planned to do a surprise attack. We crept behind her and suddenly tackled her. She opened her eyes. "Huh? What happened? Wait i'm not in bed?" "You were sleep walking." I said. "Huh Zane was right I guess." Paisley said. "Zane was right about what?" Mishka asked. "Oh Zane used to say I always sleep walk. I thought he was playing with me." "We should probably wake some animals up." I said. "You're right." Mish said. I went to wake up Akira. Mishka woke up Amber and Paisley woke up Cindy. I woke up Coco. Then everyone but Amber jumped on Glitter's bed till she woke up. "STOP!" Glitter finally shouted. "You all have some nerve to wake me up like that." Glitter said. She was so angry. But it was so funny. We all went in the middle of the room. "Can I put on a song please?" Akira asked. I handed it to her. She fiddled with it then something started to play. She started dancing. No one else did. Then Akira stopped and said, "it's Toxic by Britney Spears!" "Ohhh." We all said. Then we started to dance and sing. Then Amber started breakdancing at the final chorus. We all burst out laughing. I was rolling on the floor laughing. Then suddenly the music stopped and before we could pick another one, we all heard this. "Miss, I swear I hear people singing!" We all looked at each other and nodded. We all ran back to our bunks. It was inconvenient for Akira, Coco, Mishka and I, as we had to climb up without getting caught. But luckily we did it all just in time. Our door was opened, Miss Nina and Cloud stood there. Cloud. Nala's best friend. The one she was complaining about. "I don't think it was this cabin. Let's check A and B." Miss Nina said. They closed the door and walked off. "Okay so we can continue now?" I suggested. I mean they're gone now so... why shouldn't we continue? "No, because they are going to come back down this way, because A and B weren't singing, it was us!" Cindy said. How could I be so dumb? Cindy was right! Then Miss Nina and Cloud passed our cabin. "Maybe it was down the other way." "But I'm sure it was down this way!" As soon as we thought they were gone, we got up and continued. "Can I pick the next song?" "Sure." Akira handed Coco the iPod. Coco fiddled with it, then music started to play. Coco started dancing. "Cruel Summer by Taylor Swift! Why aren't you all dancing?!" "It's blue, the feeling I've got
And it's ooh, whoa, oh, It's a cruel summer" then at the last chorus Glitter started flossing. For mean cats, they've got some moves! When the song was finished, "Pass! pass!" Mish was begging. Coco threw it to her. She fiddled with it and started dancing. Was this k-pop? It sounded different. "BLACKPINK IN YOUR AREA!" Mishka sang. We all stared at her blankly. "BLACKPINK, how you like that? Heard of it?" "Kind of?" We all said. "Just dance!" Mish finally said. We did just that. We started singing, "How you like that-that-that?" And we were actually getting the hang of it. And then on the final chorus, Paisley started doing these weird moves and did this loud squeal that went forever. "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOEEEOEEOEOEOEOEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE." It went so long Miss Nina and Cloud had time to walk down and catch us. "Well well well, we caught them, girls go back to bed and you will have a punishment in the morning." "Paisley! What were you thinking?" Akira said. "I'm sorry, okay?" "Ugh Coco, we should've had Miss Luna come around. We would have gotten a pass just because you would've been in the cabin, teacher's pet."

Coco's POV
No she did not. She did not. Amber was dead. "Why you little.." I pounced at her and tackled her. We started fighting. "GET OFF HER, YOU FAT LUMP OF FUR!" Glitter dare say that to me? I got off amber and pounced on Glitter instead. Glitter and I started fighting. "You have some nerve, furless, pea brain rat!" I said to her. "Coco, Glitter, stop fighting!" Artemis pulled me away. "Coco, my dogs will be at you tomorrow!" Glitter said. I don't even care.

Glitter and Amber's POV
What a brat.

Bailey Profile
Bailey's best friends are, Atlas, Elton, Stewart and Zane.
He currently has the most best friends.
He is a Siamese cross Ragdoll cat.
He doesn't always show sympathy, it's only sometimes.
He is the school captain and becomes one of the Top 5 most popular pets.
Well instead of pets it should be cats, because the top 5 is only cats.
And he has a bodyguard, Atlas.

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