Chapter 8: I Do Not Snore

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Bailey's POV
"Would you rather be a policeman or firefighter?" "Hmm that's hard, I would do good at police man and firefighter." "Okay let me give you something easier, would you rather be a builder or a pilot?" "I don't know both sound exciting." I heard Arthur and Atlas's voices. They seriously had the audacity to wake me up with their chitter chatter? "Guys you just woke me up!" I said. "Oops sorry, but it is morning now." "Why did you guys have to be so loud?" "Says the snorer." They both started to laugh. "I do not snore." "Yeah you do." Everyone suddenly said? "You have me mistaken, I do no snore." Everyone laughed. Did I snore though? Nonsense!

Cindy's POV
We woke up and decided to practice. We all went on the carpet like we were last night. "Okay as soon as we hear talking what do we do?" Paisley looked like she was running this thing. "We run?" Said Akira. "Yes we immediately retreat to our bunk beds, turn off the flashlight and take our candy with us." "What about the wrappers?" Amber asked. "I say we take it just to hide evidence. Anyway Miss Luna is a bout to come out let's do this!" We grabbed wrappers to represent candy and when back to our bunks. "But won't it be easier for people on top bunk to get caught if we don't shave much time? Because we have to climb?" "Don't worry you guys will have some what time because it's dark remember? And I reckon we can do faster." Everyone sighed and got back on the ground with the candy wrappers. "Miss Luna is coming!" We all grabbed wrappers and speeded to our bunk. "Okay that's good." Someone then knocked on our door. I went to the door. I opened it. "Hi Vice Principal Frankie, need amber?" "Yes." Amber went to Vice Principal Frankie.

Amber's POV
I went and walked with Vice Principal Frankie. "Hi Amber." "Hi? Who are you?" "Aina, I want to become friends with you." "Woah slow down there, I don't even know you, plus, you're probably not that cool anyways." She kept walking with me and looking at me. "I'm rejecting you?" "Amber, one day you will say yes, I know you will..."

Coco's POV
"Guys don't you think if we're able to get early dinner, we'd be able to get early breakfast?" "We may as well try." It was quite logical. We walked out of the door. We walked down to the boys cabin. Mish knocked on the door. Cosmo opened the door. "Oh it's you guys. What do you want?" "We want to go to early breakfast with our friends." Elton came in front. "Thanks Cosmo, we'll be off now." Arthur, Atlas, Stewart and Zane went along with Elton. We walked together to the dinner hall. Instead of dinner hall, they should call it the dining hall. It would make more sense. We walked there. The cabin captains seemed to be pretty fast. We sat at a finished table and Glitter went to a different table. Soon, Bailey came sat with us. "Does anyone even drink any milk from the milk jug?" Stewart asked. " I do." Says Mishka. "I sometimes do." Zane said. We saw the chefs bringing plates of breakfast. "Breakfast Burrito, enjoy!" "Wait, what's in it?" Akira asked. "Oh, Chorizo, Potato, Lime Crema, all that sort of stuff!" Lime Crema? The chef was about the walk off again when, "what's lime Crema?" Artemis asked. "Gosh you guys have some curious minds, it's sour cream with  lime zest and lime juice." Sour cream with lime zest and lime juice? Didn't sound too bad. "Tastetester?" Arthur  asked. "I volunteer!" Atlas said excited. I think Atlas just wanted to eat. He took a bite of one, yes there was two. "There's a lot of chorizo but it's kind of good but keep your milk or water next to you, because it is a bit spicy." "Spicy? SPICY MAKE MEH GO CRAZY!" Zane said. Zane was already crazy. "In our cabin, Bailey was snoring." Elton said. No surprise. "No I wasn't!" "Oh Bailey always snores at home." Cindy was throwing Bailey under the bus. "Cindy, you also snore!" "I know but I admit it!"

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