1. Meet the Gang

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1. Meet the Gang

Matt was sitting in the backseat with his headphones on, ready to accept the new life he had been given. The ride was silent, no one said anything, not even his parents. When they arrived at the LA Children's General Hospital, Matt and his parents approached the reception and the desk lady received them with a warm smile.

"Good morning, how can I help you?" said the nurse.

"Hi, my name is Ernest. I have my son here Matt Sallee who was just diagnosed with cancer and we were told to come here for treatment," answered Matt's dad.

"Alright, give me a second. Let me check in the registers," she said while typing into the computer.

"Yes, Dr. Hayes is his oncologist and your son is assigned to be in room 503. Now, there's someone there already, but it will be good for him to room with someone his age. Nurse Jackie will take you to his room" continued the lady.

"Alright thank you," said Matt's mom.

While the Sallees waited for the nurse, Ernest was filling out Matt's paperwork while his mother tried to talk to his son.

"How do you feel?" asked his mom.

"I don't know. I don't wanna be here, I want to go home. Why do these things have to happen?" answered Matt angrily.

"I know honey, but this is how things are going to be from now on, hopefully, all of this is just temporary and you can go back home."

"I hope so," said Matt with a sigh.

A few minutes later, Nurse Jackie called Matt's name and the Sallees stood up "Great! Follow me please, I will take you to room 503" said Nurse Jackie happily.

While walking through the hospital, Matt noticed how the walls were all colorful and happy. How can a place like this have these walls, Matt thought? When they arrived at room 503, the nurse spoke up. "Alright, we are here. Although I have to warn you that your roommate is not feeling well right now, so I ask you to be quiet," Matt was curious but nodded anyway.

When they entered the room, the first thing Matt saw was his roommate getting out of the bathroom with the help of who seemed to be his father. They met each other's eyes for a few seconds and Matt couldn't help but feel bad for the poor boy. "C'mon Scotty, lay down," said the boy's dad, interrupting Matt's thoughts.

"Well, Dr. Hayes will be here in a few. Press the red button if you need anything, Matt," said the nurse, leaving the room right after.

Dr. Hayes came in shortly after, "Hello Matt," he said cheerfully. "I'll be with you shortly, let me just check on Scott real quick," Dr. Hayes continued, going through the curtain that separated both teens. He appeared again after a few minutes.

"Alright, let's go through everything. Matt, your port placement surgery will be in two days. We are going to place the port on the right side of your chest and we'll go from there. We'll do 8 rounds of chemo first and we'll have to see how the tumor is doing. The main objective is to avoid amputation," said the doctor seriously. "I'll see you guys tomorrow, good night."

"Good night doctor, thank you," said Matt's mom. She started crying and Matt took her hand, "Mom, I'll be fine. I'm not letting this take me down" he said. "I think you guys should head home. Tomorrow is Monday and you guys have work." His parents hesitated but nodded, saying goodnight to their son.

The next morning Matt woke up first, he looked toward the curtain and sighed, he hoped he and Scott could be friends. "I'm Scott," said the blue-eyed boy startling Matt. "God, you scared me," said Matt and Scot giggled.

"I'm sorry, I was just trying to start a conversation with you."

"Well, I think scaring people is not the best way to do so. I'm Matt" and his roommate smiled.

"Hi Matt, what are you here for?" Scott asked.

"I was diagnosed with a tibial osteosarcoma 3 days ago," Matt said sadly.

"I'm sorry to hear that, I know how it feels," Scott continued.

"Uh...what about you?" Matt asked innocently.

"I have acute lymphoblastic leukemia or ALL for short," Scott answered. "I'm sorry about yesterday, I didn't know I was getting a roommate," he continued.

"What are you apologizing for? You didn't do anything wrong," Matt answered.

"I didn't exactly receive you in the best way possible. Chemo was taking a toll on me," Scott answered.

"You weren't feeling well, it's ok," Matt said. "Don't you get bored from being here all the time?" he asked.

"No, I have friends here that you could meet, you can even be part of our gang," Scott said cheerfully.

"I would like that."

"Great, I can present you to them in the afternoon".

In the evening, Scott asked Matt to follow him to the lounge room, when they entered Matt saw four other teens who turned to them as soon as they arrived. There was a black guy just like him, a boy with long hair and green eyes, a skinny boy with a bald head and brown eyes, and a brunette girl with hazel eyes.

"Hey, Scooter. Who's the new guy?" asked the black guy.

"Everyone, say hi to Matt, my new roommate," Scott answered proudly.

"Hey Matt!" said everyone in unison.

"Let me introduce you to everybody," said Scott. "The tall swole guy is Kevin, he is the smart one of the group; the guy with long hair, his name is Avi, he is like the dad of the group; then we have Kirstie, she's the girl and our princess, she's also Avi's girlfriend; and finally, there's Mitch, he is the...the cute boy, he's sensitive and really sweet," Scott said looking at Mitch with heart eyes.

"So Matt, what are you here for?" asked Kirstie.

"I have stage 1 tibial osteosarcoma," Matt answered honestly.

"Ouch, I have cancer as well, Chronic Myeloid Leukemia. It sucks, but we are here for each other and help in any way we can," Mitch said to Matt.

"I have acute kidney failure, and dialysis is bad too, but the boys are always supportive," said Kirstie with a big smile.

"I have a liver disease that I cannot even pronounce," said Avi to Matt.

"I suffer from dilated cardiomyopathy, I'm on the waiting list for a transplant," said Kevin.

"Just know, we are here for you, Matt. You are part of the gang now and we are here to support you all the way," Scott said, putting his arm around Matt's shoulders.

"Thank you guys, I appreciate it," said Matt. Maybe this won't be that bad after all, he thought. 

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