6. Mitch's Birthday

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6. Mitch's Birthday

Tomorrow it's Mitch's 16th birthday and the gang is preparing something special for him. Scott is making a special gift for him, he's excited to celebrate with him and wants to make Mitch happy. Scott was up all night calling Mitch's parents and preparing a small party for him at the lounge. The next day, Scott went to Mitch's room to wake him up. "Happy birthday, Mitchy," Scott said, kissing his boyfriend's forehead and Mitch woke up.

"Thanks, Scotty," Mitch said with a groggy voice and a smile.

"Wishing you the best of the best for the rest of your life. I love you Mitchy."
"Cuddle with me?" Mitch asked, making puppy eyes. Scott smiled and climbed into Mitch's bed and let him crawl into his arms.

After a while, the rest of the gang entered the room singing the Happy Birthday song with big smiles. Mitch thanked them with a huge smile. "Thanks, guys."

"Happy birthday Mitchy! I love you so much," Kirstie said, hugging Mitch tightly.

"Thank you kitty,"

"Happy birthday kiddo," Avi said and hugged Mitch as well. Matt and Kevin, also hugged Mitchy, wishing him the happiest of birthdays.

"We have something special planned for you this afternoon, in the meantime, how about we spend our time outside?"

"Yess! I'd love that, we've never been outside as a group" Mitch said excitedly.

"We have to ask the nurses to take us, although I'm pretty sure they'll say yes," Matt said confidently.

"They will, but I'll have to wait. It's breakfast time and they have to check our vital signs," Kevin said.

"Kev's right. Let's go to our rooms and meet outside at 10, deal?" Avi asked.

"Deal," the other said and they all went to their rooms to get their breakfasts and let the nurses check them.

"Nurse Jackie?" Scott asked. "Will you let us go outside for a while? We want to celebrate Mitch's birthday and going outside is one of his wishes," he continued and made puppy eyes at the nurse.

"Fine," Nurse Jackie sighed and Scott and Matt high-fived. "But, you, Matt, and Mitch will have to wear a mask. There are people outside and I don't want any of you getting sick" she continued thoughtfully.

"Okay, no problem," said Scott.

"Thank you so much, Nurse Jackie. We appreciate it." Matt said smiling.

"I'll let the others know Nurse Jackie said yes," Scott said and sent a text message to the group chat all the members of the gang had.

At 10 a.m., all the teenagers met at their spot at the hospital park (the exact spot where Scott proposed to Mitch) and sat down on the grass to catch some sun and relax for a bit. They talked for hours, playing Truth or Dare, Never Have I Ever, and remembering their best birthday memories. It wasn't until 1 p.m. that they had to go back inside since it was really hot and it was also lunchtime. "We'll see you Mitch at the lounge at 4," Scott said, kissing his boyfriend.

When it was 4 pm, Mitch went to the lounge with his parents and smiled when he saw all the gang and their parents were there to celebrate. They sang Happy Birthday again and Mitch blew the candles, his wish being that everyone got better, of course, he didn't tell anyone. Then he opened his gifts, he got a stuffed cat from his parents, some clothes as well, and birthday cards from the rest of the gang.

"I have one more gift for you baby," Scott said and Mitch was curious. He then gave Mitch his gift to open. Mitch tore apart the wrapping paper and was amazed at what he saw. It was a realistic drawing of him and his boyfriend on a frame, a picture Scott had made just for him.

"Oh, my God. Scotty, this is beautiful. I love it," Mitch said and hugged Scott, kissing him passionately afterward.

"I'm glad you love it. I love that picture of us," Scott said.

Mitch spent the rest of the evening with his friends and family, he hasn't had a regular birthday in a long time, but as he likes to say: Normal is overrated.

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