14. Getting Better and Worse

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14. Getting Better and Worse

Matt has officially finished 7 out of the 8 rounds of chemo he has one more infusion left and then they have to do some tests on him to know the status of his cancer. He was hanging out in the lounge with the other boys while Kirstie talked to her family in her room.

"Are you happy Matt now that you're almost done?" Scott asked Matt who was playing video games.

"Oh, hell yeah. I hope I'll be done with cancer by then," Matt answered.

"When do you get your scan results back?" Mitch asked.

"Today. My parents will be here later for our appointment with Dr. Hayes," Matt answered.

"I have an appointment with him today too," Mitch said and fist-bumped Matt.

"Good luck to both of you," Kevin said.

"Thanks, Kevo."

It was a few hours later when the Sallees were at Dr. Hayes' office, ready to hear the results of his scans. "Good morning everyone," Dr. Hayes greeted the Sallees happily.

"Good morning doctor," Ernest said.

"Let's go straight to the point, shall we?"

"Yes, please," Matt's mom asked nervously.

"Alright, Matt. You are almost done with chemo and we made some tests to make sure everything's going as it should," Dr. Hayes said.

"Is something wrong?" Matt asked.

"Unfortunately, just 8 infusions are not enough, the tumor hasn't shown signs of shrinking. This means, we still have to continue with chemo to avoid amputation at all costs. We have to plan a more intense treatment, but for now, I think you are good enough to go home for two weeks. You finish your last infusion and we would have to build your immune system up a bit and do a few more tests before you go and more importantly, you must follow a strict diet and be resting when you're home." Matt was looking down at his hands. He was hoping he was done with cancer.

"This wasn't the news we were hoping for," Matt's mom said.

"I know, the osteosarcoma is an aggressive type of cancer in teens and it is hard to remove, but we have to keep trying, Matt is still in the early stages and that is a good sign," Dr. Hayes said and the Sallees left the office. Matt just went outside because he needed some fresh air and his parents let him be, they knew their son was upset.

A few hours later it was Mitch's turn to talk to Dr. Hayes and Mitch was ready to hear the results of his scans and see if he was finally done with cancer. "I'm glad to see you're happy Mitch," Dr. Hayes said as the Grassis entered the room.

"He woke up in a good mood today," Nel said, chuckling.

"That's because I am," Mitch said proudly.

"Well, good news. You should be going home soon, just like Matt," Dr. Hayes said and the Grassis gasped surprised. "You are almost done with treatment and have been responding perfectly since the last time we saw each other. You know the drill, we will build your immune system up a bit so you can go home as healthy as you can, and if things are going as they should, you only have a few more chemo infusions left," Dr. Hayes continued and the Grassis cheered.

"Congratulations, honey. We are so proud of you," Nel said and hugged Mitch.

"Thanks, Mom," Mitch said tearing up.

"We love you, son. You are incredibly strong and you'll always make us proud," Mike said.

"I love y'all too," Mitch said.

"What do we do after he is done with all the infusions?" Mike asked.

"We start with immunotherapy and remove your port, that's the plan," Dr. Hayes answered and Mitch smiled he was going to beat cancer.

Meanwhile, Matt was back in his room and Scott saw how upset he was and tried to make Matt talk to him about his results and help him. "It didn't go as you expected, right?" Scott asked quietly.

"No, it's still there."

"I'm sorry. What now?"

"After I finish all infusions, they are letting me go home, but I have to come back to do a more intense treatment."

"At least you get to go home, that's good."

"I know, but it still sucks. H-how did you take it when you relapsed?"

"The first time...not good. I was in remission for two years and ready to go back to school, but everything changed the day my mom got the call. At that point, I didn't have any symptoms so I thought I would beat it easily. The second time was much worse, I came here in an ambulance after throwing up blood and passing out. We thought it was just a stomach bug because of my symptoms, but when I vomited blood we knew it was cancer again," Scott remembered tearing up.

"Wow," Matt whispered surprised.

"Matt, just because it is not gone yet doesn't mean you have lost the battle, you just have to fight a little harder, because you are strong enough to kick cancer's ass," Scott said and both chuckled. Both of them received a text in which Mitch told them to meet him at the lounge urgently.

"What is this about?" Kirstie asked confused.

"On my way here after my appointment with Dr. Hayes, I heard Dr. Lee and Dr. Andrews talking to each other," Mitch said excitedly.

"And? What did they say?"

"Kirstie and Kevin are going home."

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