4. Young love

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4. Young love

Avi and Kirstie were cuddling on her bed, with Kirstie's head on Avi's shoulder, while the other boys were hanging out in the lounge. Since they are at the hospital, they cannot go out to a restaurant for a date, their options are limited, their date plans are the park of the hospital, the lounge in the evening, or Kirstie's room (because she does not have a roommate). "How are you feeling baby?" Avi asked while running his hand through his girlfriend's back.

"Tired, I have muscle pains right now," she answered, hugging Avi tightly.

"My poor baby girl," Avi cooed and kissed her hair.

"What can I do to make you feel better?"

"Just hold me".

"Of course," Avi said, bringing her close to his chest.

Unfortunately, their dates are always interrupted by doctors or nurses coming in to check on them or telling them it's bedtime and taking Avi out of Kirstie's room. This time was not an exception, a nurse came in with Kirstie's dinner and checked on her. "Hi, Kirstie...Oh! Hi Avi, I wasn't expecting you here" she said kindly. "I brought you guys dinner. Please eat at least half of it, Kirstie, I know you're not feeling well but your body needs it," she continued.

"Alright I will," Kirstie said tiredly.

"And since you're here. There you go Avi," she said giving Avi his food.

"Thanks," he said.

Avi helped Kirstie eat her food, luckily she ate all of it and then Avi ate his food. When they were done, Avi helped Kirstie get ready for bed and then tucked her in, kissing her forehead. "Goodnight my princess. I'll see you tomorrow" Avi whispered. "Goodnight baby, thank you," she said tiredly, and then Avi left the room.

When Avi came back to his and Kevin's room, he was greeted by Kevin with a big smile. "Hey Av, how was your date?" he asked. "It was fine. She wasn't feeling great after the dialysis so we just cuddled and I comforted her," he answered, lying down on his bed.

"You are such a gentleman, Avi," Kevin teased.

"Shut up. I just want to be a good boyfriend and make her feel loved."

"No, but in all seriousness Av, you are an amazing boyfriend. You gotta teach me how you do it." Kevin said and then he received a text from Scott.

"Hey, um... Scott wants to talk to us, he says he needs our help."

"Alright, tell him to come by tomorrow and we'll help him."

"Will do" Kevin obeyed and texted Scott.

The next day, Scott and Matt knocked on Kevin and Avi's door. "Password," said Kevin. "Seriously, Kev?" Avi raised an eyebrow and Kevin laughed. "Just let them in already," he continued. "Not until they tell me the password," Avi just frowned at Kevin and he opened the door and let both boys in. "What's up, guys?"

"Hey guys," said Matt enthusiastically.

"Hi, thanks for helping me," Scott said.

"Is Mitch coming?" Avi asked.

"No, he cannot know, yet," Scott answered.

"Why? I thought you guys told each other everything," Matt said.

"Yes, but...this is about him," Scott told them.

"Is he okay?" Kevin asked worriedly.

"Yeah, he is perfectly fine. He is with his parents right now," Scott answered.

"Okay...then, what's going on?" Avi asked.

"I...I like Mitch," Scott hesitated.

"Oh, we already knew that," Kevin said.

"What?!" Scott asked surprised.

"I told you it was obvious with your heart eyes," Matt said and Scott blushed.

"I was hoping you and Kirstie would help me ask him to be my boyfriend," Scott asked looking at Avi, "and you guys help me distract him while I get everything ready," Scott rubbed the back of his neck and looked at the floor.

"Let me call Kitty and we'll set something up," said Avi.

Moments later, Kirstie showed up and greeted her boyfriend with a kiss and the other boys with a hug. "How are you feeling Kitty?" Matt asked. "Much better, thanks Matt," she answered. "You said Scooter needed my help?" she asked Avi.

"Yes, he needs our help proposing to Mitch," Avi answered.

"Aw, you waited a long time Squirty," she said.

"I know, but it's time," Scott said.

"Alright, let's make a plan," she said smirking.

The five of them spent about an hour setting up a plan for surprising Mitch. Once it was done, they put the plan into action. Scott was cuddling with Mitch in his room, while he told him about the great time he had with his parents, while the others asked the nurse for permission to be at the hospital park at night. Nurse Jackie agreed immediately, but Nurse Amy hesitated. Nurse Jackie told the other nurse that they work with kids stuck at a hospital who cannot have a normal life, so it is good to let them be normal teenagers every once in a while.

Kevin texted Scott to let him know everything was set and he smiled, but it soon faded once he realized that he didn't know what to say, so he opened the notes app on his phone and started writing all the things he loved about Mitch and he should say to him. He couldn't help but feel nervous and wonder about the what-ifs.

When the night hit, he went to Mitch's room and surprised him with a handcraft of a flower that Kirstie made for him.

"Wow, thanks, Scotty. I love this...Kirstie did this didn't she?" he asked Scott.

"Yep, I can't do something like that. I just thought it was a good way to start the surprise I have you," Scott winked.

"Surprise?" Mitch asked confused.

"Come with me," Scott said, taking Mitch's hand and leading him to the park of the hospital where the others were waiting for them. Once they reached the door, Scott covered Mitch's eyes with his hands and led him to the place where his friends had placed a blanket and some flowers along with dinner for both of them. Scott uncovered Mitch's eyes when they reached the accorded spot and Mitch was surprised.

"What is this for Scotty?"

"Well, Mitchy. We have been friends since we were 12, and when you told me that you were gay I was happy for you and me. For you, because you were really brave to come out, and for me...because I liked you." At this point, Mitch was blushing, they didn't notice the others were hiding recording them.

"It has been a few years since that moment, but it wasn't until recently that I realized I was in love with you. So, Mitchell Coby Michael Grassi, will you be my boyfriend?" Scott asked Mitch. He covered his mouth with his hands and he nodded.

"Yes, Scotty. I'd love to," they looked into each other's eyes for a few seconds before connecting their lips. They spend a few hours sitting down on the blanket and eating dinner, celebrating their new relationship as boyfriends. After, Scott took Mitch to his room and kissed his head. "Goodnight baby," Scott said. "Goodnight baby. I love you," Mitch said sleepily. "I love you more," and Scott left the room with a smile.

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