11. Don't leave us yet

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11. Don't leave us yet

"What do you mean Matt?" Mitch asked worriedly and Matt took a deep breath.

"I w-woke up to him not being able to b-breathe, I called the nurses, and they put a m-mask on him and took him. I didn't know what else to do but to come here," Matt said crying. Mitch started crying and hugged Matt. Now he was extremely worried, Scott had gotten sick before but not as bad as this. Once they calmed down, both went back to their rooms and tried to sleep, but were extremely scared to do so.

The next morning they went to tell the gang the terrible news. They met at the lounge and Matt started telling the story.

"At night Dr. Hayes had to put a cannula on him because he wasn't breathing right. Then at midnight, I woke up to him not being able to breathe so I called the nurses and they took him," Matt said tearing up.

"You did the right thing, Matt. Doctors are now treating him and we have to figure out what's wrong with him," Kevin said taking Matt's hand to calm him down.

"Connie and Rick are already here, he's in the ICU. It doesn't look good," Mitch said looking down with tears in his eyes.

"We should go and ask them. We need to know if he'll be ok," Kirstie said. "He's like our older b-brother," Kirstie sobbed and Avi held her.

"I agree with her, we should go," Avi said.

All five of them went to the ICU and saw a tired Rick entering the ward, he was holding two cups of coffee for him and Connie. "Rick!" Mitch called his attention and Rick turned to Mitch smiling tiredly. "Hey kids," Rick said tiredly.

"How is he?" Mitch asked.

"He's got a severe case of pneumonia...cannot breathe on his own. He has a high fever too," Rick said and everyone gasped. Mitch had no words to answer, he was in shock.

"Is...is he i-intubated?" Kevin asked.

"Yes," Rick answered honestly.

"Can we see him?" Kevin asked.

"One by one, and you both gotta be careful, you must wear masks. I don't want you catching what he's got," Rick said, pointing to Matt and Mitch who nodded quickly, the only thing they wanted was to see their friend.

One by one they entered the room, and Mitch was the last one to enter. His heart broke when he saw Scott lying down on the hospital bed hooked up to different machines and a breathing tube down his throat. Mitch started to hyperventilate and had a panic attack, Connie and Rick helped him calm down and gave him some water. Then he took Scott's hand and started talking to him.

"Scotty...please don't leave us yet. We need you...I need you. You are the strongest guy I know and you've been through so much, you can beat this. I love you so much baby, that I am not ready to lose you yet. Do you hear me? You need to stay longer so we can go back to our normal lives and go to college like we imagined." He took a deep shaky breath, "I love you," Mitch said and then he kissed Scott's forehead.

For the next three days, the gang visited Scott and spent time reading to him, singing or just holding his hand. Connie and Rick were by his side when Dr. Hayes came in with some news.

"We have seen some improvement. His fever is down and the O2 levels are up which is good, but they are still quite low. The chest x-ray also showed some improvement in the infection. We could wake him up now, but he will keep the tube until his levels go up," he said.

"Will he be in pain?" Connie asked.

"Nothing that we cannot control with meds."

"Isn't resting what he needs the most now?" Rick asked.

"Even if he was awake he couldn't move much and would be sleepy most of the time. It would just be good for him to see you and to know that you guys are here for him. He feels safe when you're around, he's told me that." Connie and Rick looked at each other and then nodded.

"Alright wake him up," Rick said.

A few hours later Scott opened his eyes and the first thing he noticed was the tube down his throat. When he was able to fully regain consciousness, he saw his parents watching him and he tried to sit up.

"Don't. Take it easy kiddo," said his dad while gently pushing him down. Connie took his hand brought it to her mouth and kissed it.

"It's good to see you awake honey, you've been out for a few days," she said and Scott just looked at her, tearing up himself. Connie hugged him and explained to him what was happening.

"Remember your fever?" she asked and Scott nodded.

"Turns out it was pneumonia, you can't breathe on your own yet, that's why you have the tube. They had to induce you into a coma for a few days so you could rest and get better quicker."

Scott wanted to communicate but he didn't know how, Rick noticed this and gave Scott a notepad and a pen for him to write on. Scott took the pen and shakily started writing. "Where are the others?"

"They don't know you're awake yet. We were going to wait until they come later today," Rick said and Scott nodded. He started closing his eyes, signaling that he still felt very weak and wanted to sleep, he shivered and Connie tucked him in with his favorite blue blanket that his parents had brought from his room.

"Sleep well, Scotty boy," she said.

A few moments later the gang showed up at the ICU and the Hoyings appeared to tell them the good news.

"They woke him up," Rick said and everyone cheered quietly.

"But, he's still intubated and should be for another day or two. When you're with him try to be quiet, he needs a lot of rest," Connie said and the others nodded.

Mitch was the first to enter the room and he was happy and relieved to see Scott awake again, Scott made grabby hands toward him and Mitch couldn't help but smile even more at his boyfriend's cuteness.

"Hi baby," he said, gently hugging Scott. "You feeling better?"

Scott took the pen and the notepad and started writing to Mitch "A little, I'm still weak, and my chest hurts a bit, but the fever has gone down to 100 so that's good"

"How high did his fever go?" Mitch asked Connie and Rick.

"105 was the highest, they are not letting him go until his fever breaks and his oxygen levels go up to 85 at least," Connie said.

Mitch turned to Scott and smiled at him taking his hand. Scott couldn't do much but squeeze his hand back and make puppy eyes at him.

Two days later, Dr. Hayes removed Scott's breathing tube and put him in a mask, he was feeling better, and they gave him a vibrating vest to eliminate all the mucus in his lungs as well as nebulizations. Scott despised the vest, but it helped with his cough. "I'm glad you're doing better," Avi said.

"Same. Our room is way too quiet without you," Matt said and everyone giggled. They had moved Scott to an intermediate care unit where he had a room of his own and everyone could visit him at the same time, but the nurses were constantly checking on him. Scott tried to remove his mask to talk but Mitch didn't let him.

"Scotty no, put that back on," he said while putting the mask back over Scott's nose and mouth.

Scott just smiled at him, he was happy that Mitch would care for him that much. He didn't like it when people babied him, but he let Mitch do it because he loved him. Dr. Hayes entered with his parents and gave them the good news. "Your infection is still there but not as threatening as it was, and your oxygen levels are going up too, and you are reaching the 90s which is great, you can use a cannula now," he said and Scott smiled.

"You should be back in your room by tomorrow as well."

"Yes!" Matt cheered and everyone laughed.

"Although you still will be on bed rest and we will monitor you closely," Dr. Hayes said.

"I will be following the rules," Scott said proudly.

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